Kamala Harris looked like a deer in headlights after this Joe Biden medical emergency

Kamala Harris is now the Democrat Party’s nominee. That means the buck stops with her. And Kamala Harris looked like a deer in headlights after this Joe Biden medical emergency. Kamala continues the cover up [...]


  1. T & V the only vote for are future the other Two K & W not one’s the ones we need make our country respected around the world!!!

    • Trump is our last chance to save the USA as we used to know it… free, safe, prosperous, strong, good citizens, lowest crime/murder…

  2. So far the fact checkers only check Trump and the Fact Checkers are bias about that. I am waiting for the debate when Kamala makes a fool of herself. It will be the second Democrat that Trump destroys

  3. democrats are destroying America for china and iran, therefore, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America.

    • Democrats have worked on America’s destruction since the 50s.They got their crowning moment 2008 election of a Muslim Anti America Fraud

  4. It’s amazing that anyone would vote for Harris. At Least Biden as an excuse (dementia). Harris is just plain stupid and a liar. I can’t believe so many people will still vote for her because Trump has mean tweets. Why the Dems would ruin America as the Dems have done for the last 3 and a half years.

    • I am 77years old and this is not the demarcate party of JFK this is the party that the communists told us in the 60’s that would destroy us

  5. The real criminals here are the mainstream media for ball licking these disgusting leftist slime and covering for them.
    I have more respect for rats running through sewers than these “ journalists “.

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