Kamala Harris is pulling one despicable trick to handicap a Trump victory that no one saw coming

Democrats are seriously worried that they will lose this November. If Democrats weren’t worried, the Biden-Harris regime wouldn’t already be working to undermine a Trump Presidency.  And Kamala Harris is pulling one despicable trick to [...]


  1. Why can’t ALL AMERICANS SEE THE DISASTROUS POLICIES OF THE biden/harris communist/democrap REGIME?? They have nothing to offer but more misery for the AMERICAN PEOPLE! All they do is LIE and deceive!! Everytime they are in front of a camera they bash President Trump and tell us he is a terrible leader, but they have NO GAME PLAN, NO WORD OF POSITIVE ACHIEVMENTS!!! THEY MUST BE STOPPED AND CONVICTED OF TREASON THEN PUT TO DEATH!!!

    • That might be a little extreme, Mike. But it goes to show the Democrats know no limits to how low or high they will go to lie, deceive, snicker, destroy the very fabric this country is founded on – truth, integrity, honesty…

  2. Evil has many faces……Demoncrats of this administration are the total & complete embodiment of the evil today!!! We MAGA 2024 can’t let this discourage us…..Encourage your families, friends, and neighbors: VOTE VOTE VOTE- REPUBLICAN !!!!!!!

    • I would be ashamed of my self. You need to say what you are going to do to save America. No more flip flop around you need to remember what you say and stick by it.

  3. Democraps are the devil in disguise. But they have a sh***y disguise. They should all be arrested for breaking every law on the books. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Butthole Biden was behind the assassination attempt on President Trump. They are EVIL, EVIL PEOPLE who need to be stopped. I wish someone out there had the balls to do it, because otherwise President Trump will end up in prison and then he will end up dead. Mark My Words. It’s going to happen.

    • It wasn’t biden behind the assassination attempt, he doesn’t have the mental ability to think of that. It goes all the way back to Soros, Obama and Harris…oh wait a minute, Harris is only the very bad puppet and can’t do anything but stand and giggle.

      • Kamala cackles, there is not giggle and that little girl voice she employs is super irritating. The word salad is the way she processes in her brain. Every fourth word might be relevant in a discussion with her. She is a slow thinker, was a poor student and a quick to please tease all her life. Her way up the ladder but in the end she has been a consistent loser on her own.

  4. Does not surprise me the lows that, Harris will sink to. The democrats are running scare, that finally true Americans are waking up to this crap, and will fight for our country. We will remember the suffering and pain we have felt for the past 3 1/2 years under Biden/Harris destruction of our America. God bless president Donald Trump. State strong America.

  5. This is what the Democrats Do., Lie , Cheat, what ever they can do to have it their way, they do not care about the American People. We have to vote them out. They will Destroy this Nation. Think about it What have the Democrats done for the American People in the last 4 years?

  6. Democrats have always used dirty tricks, lies, and marxists thinking to gain and maintain power. They cannot be believed or trusted. The party in anti-american!

  7. If Trump bite my tongue was killed in July ,I bet Biden would have still run and not Harris .I’ll bet he would have won .the nation would have been to upset to try and replace Trump .So Biden would have had his 4 next years. Makes you think with all the screw ups the secret service did with Trump ,I wouldn’t put it past Biden to be behind it all maybe Obama as well

    • I agree with you 100%. It was an intentional attack on Trump. It failed so now they are using this other crap to get Harris in the White House. We have all suffered with the economy and illegal immigrants for the last 3.5 years. No more of this bad administration. Vote for Trump everyone.


    Our so-called schools have become nothing less than INDOCTRINATION CENTERS turning our young into outright COMMUNISTS without telling them that they are. Now our young vote COMMUNIST without even knowing they do and are political slaves to CHINA whether they know it or not.

    THAT is what we must fix first! And millions of We the People have been trying to tell the country just that for a lo-o-ong time now!

    As long as our young are voting for Communism and all that goes with it NOTHING ELSE WILL CHANGE!


  9. Cackelin’ Kamala strikes again. The big problem is that the under ununiformed of the robbed of the truth truth by getting their news from the entertainers (NOT journalists anymore) and Tick Tock. Yes, I meant to spell it that way. The real evil in this country.

    • This is another reason why everyone in America needs to read my comprehensive history of America in my book: “KILLING AMERICA ‘From Christian America to Atheistic and Anti-Christian America'” (by Gerald N. Wright

  10. It is much easier to tear things down than to build things up. Democrats are succeeding at tearing down the USA; Republicans are trying to build, but Democrat open borders, bad tax policy, stupid spending, etc. are tearing down the USA.
    Vote Republican for any chance at a successful USA.

  11. Kamala should do herself and the country a tremendous favor. Drop out of the running for President of America and donate the millions of dollars in her campaign contributions and donate all of it to charity, she has zero chance of winning. Probably the most disliked person ever to run.

  12. The democrat party uses all forms of cheating to maintain their control. The democrat party has no concern for the country – the democrat party will do whatever it takes to hold power. The democrat party will do whatever it takes to further their leftist agenda. Evil!

  13. Conservative Lawyers must immediately petition the courts – especially the Supreme Court – to halt ALL HIRING of government positions. This should be major legislation to prohibit this very thing – within a very specified time frame before an election cycle – that one political party can not sabotage the legitimate governance of another when it appears there is going to be an inevitable change in leadership.

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