Kamala Harris is feeling the heat for this awful plan to demolish cities

Kamala Harris is finally starting to unveil some of her policy proposals.  They’re worse than anyone could have imagined.  And now Kamala Harris is feeling the heat for this awful plan to demolish cities.  Kamala [...]


    • The Majority of Americans must agree with you. She is definitely not fit to be president, and she pretends to be smart, but we have all learned that she is very stupid and does not care about America and every American citizen! She has been helping to destroy America!!

    • Thank you, ConservativeUnderground, for still another picture that PROVES KamalToe wears brown makeup on her face to try and look the part of her new found fake “BLACK” claim… while her hands, neck, scalp, and chest are still as WHITE as ‘white’ can be!

      • Well, if you look up her daddy you will see a dark skinned man. Where did she get her pale complexion from? Sure her mommy is a light skinned Indian form India, but surely , IF and ONLY IF that Jamaican is her bio father she should have a darker complexion, but …NO she looks as pale as the duke of Suxxex England. She’s just missing the light hair.

      • She needs to take courses in economics first of all and learn the meaning of price controls and what it means to have a sound economic system that is going to work before you try it, which means you need to look at past and what the result of those actions were. This is clearly not a Preside tial hopefu SCARY AT BEST.

  1. The first time I ever heard her speak after being elected V.P. with Bidumb, I turned to my husband and asked him who she was. He said it’s the V.P.. I just looked at him dumbfounded. I said that I KNEW Bidumb was half gone, but she sounds like she’s completely unhinged. He said she is. That’s why they got so many votes. The rest of the unhinged voted two or three times for the same person. I call her Kamelface.

  2. Cackling Kammy is a total airhead. She knows nothing from nothing, no one likes her, yet she’s running for president. No one like tampon Timmy either. His own family opposes him. Who in their right mind would order tampons to be put in boy’s lavatories? But that’s exactly what he did. God help America. If these two buffoons win, America is finished.

  3. What a failure! Communist to the core. AND she wants to control not only rents, but what type of food you can put on your table.

    Why doesn’t she reinstitute the old food commodities which delivered beans and canned goods to your door step and didn’t provide you the opportunity to choose your own foods?

  4. Bimbo can only do 2 things well….. get laid by willie brown’s willie and murder 13 in Afghan, ignore, laugh about it. She is a poc pos. FKH, willie brown did!!!!!!

  5. Yeah, gee. If Harris controls rent then people can afford the most exotic kinds of BUGS to eat.

    Again, I just have to say it, I CANNOT BELIEVE JUST HOW IGNORANT AND STUPID DEMOCRAT VOTERS ARE! They demand Free Stuff that they never get and are happy with that while illegal criminal immigrants DO get all that Free Stuff.

  6. Kamala Harris has no plans. Whoever is writing this stuff for her – the democratic party – are the source. Kamala Harris is not smart enough to come up with plans. She flipflops and plagurizes others. Nothing on her on but double talk. Serious defects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I do believe this person would rather climb a tree and tell a lie as to stay on the ground and tell the truth !!!!!!!!! She honestly reminds me of this horse that stared back in the sixties he was the part of Mr. Ed the talking horse and it laughed at every thing. This was a sitcom that ran for 6 years… I do believ that every thing she does is FUNNY

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