Kamala Harris is facing one painful political reality that has Democrats freaking out

Kamala Harris’ entrance into the race is being celebrated by Democrats and their media allies. But they might be taking a victory lap too soon. Now Kamala Harris is facing one painful political reality that [...]


  1. Kamalaladignbat is a flash in the pan! All the deep state hype won’t get her elected. She can’t beat Trump. He has a proven track record, she has nothing to offer other than more of the same Biden crap.

    • I totally disagree with you…… I am out here in the land of American…… and the REAL people are saying they are AFRAID of Donny….., and don’t want to lose our democracy!!!! They are saying MUCH more in negativity….. to even write!!!
      More and more people are signing up for Kamala !!!!! She is praised to the top of the hill!!! Her politics is based on the Americans in our country! !!!!! She will not take away our freedoms and take our democracy and stomp on it as Donnie has!!!
      GO KAMALA !!!!!! We Americans love you!!!!

      • Lose our democracy? The Democrats have spent seven years trying to keep their most popular opponent off the ballot so the voters cannot democratically vote for him. Now, they’ve unseated their promoted candidate democratically chosen by fourteen million of their voters, replacing him without any popular vote being held at all. How’s that for “Protecting Democracy?” It’s how Castro won the popular vote in the once popular and economically successful Cuba

      • What politics exactly, may I ask are you referring to that Kamala bases on the Americans in our country? Because the only thing she ever says, when she is not trying to sound credible about issues she obviously has no clue about or that are over her head, is her blasting Trump at every turn rather than telling the American people what she plans to focus on as President and highlighting her accomplishments during her term as VP. The reason she does this and obviously you have to be further educated on your candidate since you have your head in the clouds like she does if you view her as “praised to the top of the hill”. She only spends time at her rallies and during interviews blasting Trump and Vance and anyone who supports them because she has nothing to show for herself. Her record speaks for itself clear back to her time as a supposed hardcore prosecutor in California. Now she supports rapists and murderers getting lighter sentences and being able to vote and defunding the police among many of her other screwed up extreme left-wing ideas. She has only gotten where she has gotten because she has slept her way to the top and if you don’t believe that then you obviously have not done your research on your beloved candidate.

    • She would do better as a domestic servant. She is hollow, vacuous and pretentious with no accomplishments to her credit.

  2. Kamala-la-la Cackling Harris is a joke. She is a loser. She came in seventh in the Democratic primaries in 2020 – and, moreover, she has proved herself incompetent in just about everything she has undertaken – from California’s Attorney General to President Joe Biden’s Vice President.

  3. The Democraps now find themselves up “the crick” … for kammie brings NOTHING to the table. She is unable to cite a single accomplishment during the biden embarrassment. She comes on strong, cackles … then we find out there is literally nothing going on inside that p-brain of hers. All Trump has to do is stand on his record, saying that on Nov 6 he will hit the ground with feet running. We will see improvement at the Border, in our Economy, in our Military and regained presence in the World — none of which she can promise. She’s been nothing short of a failure since the days of her questionable rise in California, and bears absolutely NO SKILLS in running our country.

    • “Anyone is better than Trump “. That’s what I heard last time. The result. Four years of pure sh*t.
      If you idiots don’t wake up you will live in sh*t and squalor. Most of you probably do already.

  4. I believe Americans were better off financially when Trump was president that under any leader since.

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