Kamala Harris got a wake-up call about running from a Trump advisor she’s going to hate

Democrats are banking on Kamala Harris to change the trajectory of the Presidential election. But she’s already running into more problems than she ever expected. And Kamala Harris got a wake-up call about running from [...]



  2. America Vote Out the Tyrants democrats and liberals and progressives and Rinos in November We The People Demand Our Country Back from the Evil Doers in the Washington DC Swamp.

    • That would be a good idea, if our votes actually mattered. The system is rigged, most likely always has been.

  3. Someone needs to explain how Camela can become the new candidate without a national primary. What are the laws? What is the countries history when a nominated candidate drops out?

  4. I honestly think Kamala Harris is a brain dead VP and will be more brain dead as the President. I don’t recall ever hearing anything come from her mouth that made any sense or offered any wisdome what so ever. I belive Biden would be a much better President than Harris – I can’t stand Biden. He is a worthless person going back 40 + years. We need to get Trump in the White House before we loose America.

  5. I really believe that she thinks that she can giggle her way to the white house. NOT GOIBG TO HAPPEN!! She will now have to face the
    Biden administration’s failure issues without the shield of Joe Biden to protect her.

  6. Harris can’t claim being senile like Biden. Her biggest asset is being STUPID! She has no accomplishments, only running from responsibility. The only thing she can do is try and attack Trump with false accusations and ‘disinformation’. People now see the comparison between how the country was run under Trump and the disaster we experience now under these buffoons. Actions speak louder than words!

  7. Please Gix Your “Hot Topic” Submittal Button as It Hasn’t Worked for the Last 2 or 3 Topics I Have Submitted my Opinion On !!!! Thanks !!!

  8. Kamala Harris “could” have a good chance of winning because there are many, many people who do not even research candidates, so what’s going to happen is exactly what happened when Obama got in. All the African-American’s will vote for her and the brain dead females will say “wouldn’t it be great to have the first female president”. How do we stop that! Plus-all the illegal immigrants that have poured in will also vote for her because she let them in!

  9. Get different people on both sides of the aisle. It’s impossible that what parties are giving us to pick from is even acceptable!!!!

  10. No she is not better, she not only has her own baggage but she also has all the baggage she and President Biden are responsible for over his administration plus the cover-up of his mental condition. Her baggage goes back to Willie Brown.

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