Kamala Harris got a reality check from an Obama advisor that left her fuming

Kamala Harris suddenly found herself as the Democrat front-runner after Joe Biden dropped out. Now she’s trying to lock up the Party’s nomination.  And Kamala Harris got a reality check from an Obama advisor that [...]


    • Obama’s plan was to get rid of Biden and push for an open convention where his wife would be nominated. Biden knew this so he came up with a way to get even for Obama stabbing him in the back.

      • Really could be that Obama wants his wife to run then he really would have another four years !!. These people are dirty and now have away to get there foot in the democrats door for Michelle to run for president. I for one hope not. I will not turn from Trump he will be the best president to get our country back.

    • Amen. She does not deserve the position she has and certainly has done nothing to show she should be advanced. If we ever get a female president, we must have one that resembles the class act of the first female on the supreme court – Sandra Day O’Connor. If the first female president is someone like Hillary or Kamala or Obama’s wife, we close the door to all future females.

  1. Kamala has done nothing to move into the role of presumptive nominee for the POTUS position. Biden is not dead. As a matter of fact, he is completing this term (2020-2024). That means a whole new election which should give others the opportunity to present their platforms and visons for the future. This is the most blatant example of the destruction of our democratic process ever seen. If I was a Democrat, I would be furious that they have taken my vote, my belief, my opinion, and my right to choose away from me. It is pure Communism and unacceptable in this country. How stupid can the Dem leadership be and how oblivious can the Dem sheep be. This is unAmerican.

    • You are absolutely correct!! She has done nothing and will do nothing except continue on the same path as our cognitively impaired president has gone which has only done much damage to our once wonderful country (i.e., destroying our economy, border, schools, our standing on the world stage, etc.).

  2. The Obamas are scum and don’t be surprised if she weaselsl her way in. She just wants the demoRats to beg.

    • You are so right. There are black or colored people and there are “n”. Obama falls under the latter.

  3. I have never been impressed with the Obamas. They appear to me like they think they are better than anyone else just because they were in the White House. Really wish they would go AWAY.

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