Kamala Harris faceplanted on live TV after being asked to explain this major flip-flop

The Democrat Party has been taking their open border policies to the max in recent years. But the American people are growing frustrated with the open border and illegal immigration. And now Kamala Harris faceplanted [...]


    • Harris is a puppet, they want her in office so they can control and pass things like they have done with Biden. Who is actually running this country? Are we suppose to just roll over and become the United States of Illegals? I can’t believe our President and President elect, Harris, cares more about immigrants than the American people. Smart Presidents in the past realized for the sake of our economy, you could only allow so many in. They all had to prove they could speak and read English, and wanted to become a US citizen. They filed the proper paperwork and came here to accomplish a better life. Our President takes the taxes of hard working Americans to give to the illegals and immigrates. Do you as a US citizen get free Medical? They bring all their sick relatives here for FREE MEDICAL. As a US citizen we need to take action and keep the Democrats as far away from our tax dollars and wasteful spending as we can. Harris is dumb as dirt and people want her for President?

    • I like to think people aren’t that Stupid either, but unfortunately approx. 1/2 or more of the nation is -I think this is all part of the New World Order, Global Elitists’ plan to destroy the USA as a sovereign, free nation from within….

    • well apparently the half that is voting for the democrooks are stupid loons–i’m just saying–stupid is as stupid does!!!

  1. Yes, they are! People are thinking about birth control instead of what the real problem is and that’s immigration. All the millions of undocumented immigrants that these brainless #DemoIdiots want to do all they can to prevent Donald Trump from the White House and our country and citizens are the ones paying for their Idiocy. It’s time to shut them down put the real man back in the house and let the man do his job!
    Kamala and the #DemoIdiots, it’s time to just stop with all this pathetic🐂💩 and grow some 🔴’s!
    Since you have no intentions on working for us, you remember us don’t you? The American citizens that you took a vow to protect? Well, since you are going out of your way to honor and protect the Illegals you keep allowing into “OUR COUNTRY!” Then you and all the other #DemoIdiots just need to step a side for A REAL leader!
    We need President Donald Trump BACK in The White House where he continue what he started!


    • I like all that you have stated, but would also add that Joe Bidumb and Heels high Harris plus others, all need to be tried for “TREASON”,for letting and encouraging this to happen. Our ForeFathers would have either been stacking bodies or throwing a short rope over a high tree branch and hanging these “TRAITOROUS BASTARDS” WE THE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO RESTORE AMERICA TO IT’S PROPER STANDING AND GLORY!!!

  2. Kamala can’t answer questions because she doesn’t want to admit her mistakes she wings it every time by putting the blame on Trump. Does she think if she is elected she is capable of owning up to her mistakes or just keep side-stepping issues and blaming others.

    • I challenge Kamala Harris to answer questions abut her past history and future plans without
      mentioning Donald J. Trump.
      I don’t think she can do it. She hasn’t yet.

  3. WEll she was brought up in a Middle class family of HIGH paid College instructors in Canada and she came form wealth as her Grandfather had Sugar Plantations in Jamaica, in fact both sides of her grand parents had Money Lots of money, she is a Shyster that was put into place by OBAMA and George SOROS to finish the Destruction of America that Obama Started, he is the Puppet of George SOROS Kamala is Dumber than a Stick, and very easily controlled so she got the assignment to be president to finish the Job Obama started. The Destruction of AMERICA

  4. Kammy won’t close the border. The illegal freeloader invasion will become much, much worse. If you think it’s bad now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

  5. Don’t the people who vote Democrat realize their right to select a candidate was stolen from them? She has one agenda, destroy America. She has no platform except Hate Trump. She says she will fix stuff, then why not have started it 3 & 1/2 years ago? Now she spouts less taxes and the wall, ideas which she stole from Trump. Her ads are all about attacking Trump, but nothing about her plans. She only uses empty, feel-good words, which is all she says when asked a question. Of course, the deep swamp are doing all they can to get rid of Trump. It’s their livelihood and power at stake, he threatens it. Unfortunely,folks who are stupid enough to vote for her are clueless to what her reality will bring.

  6. Kamala is not intelligent enough to be president of the US. The Dems are pushing her so they could keep control of the country. Maga is what the country needs.

  7. The immigration crisis was caused by the Biden Harris administration, and they need to own up to it. Kamala Harris thinks the American people will buy into the word salad answers and as Czar it was her responsibility to control the border. We are paying from our tax dollars for the illegals to have hotel rooms, debit cards, medical care, education and the list goes on. We need a president to clean up this mess. Vote Donald Trump. He is a leader for the people. You are voting for your children’s future.

  8. I agree with John Leonard. Kammy is as dumb as a box of rocks. I don’t think she is equivocating. She honestly understands neither the question nor the answer. She would create a large vacuum to be filled with the pharm-government-Gates complex.

    I think the VERY LARGEST PROBLEM facing the world is attacks on the bill of rights and the first amendment in particular. To make matters worse we have the “thought police” where our lawfare punishes young mothers for thinking about prayer by prison terms of 40 months (to make example of). Hillary recommends re-education (concentration) camps for people who don’t think like she does. Thank God there are many of them.

  9. The MSM let them get away with it for 4 years. Now in the last month of the election season they want to get tough. The MSM is truly the enemy of the people.

  10. Bozo and Mooseshell are black racist. They blame anyone not black for the wrongs they seem to want to change. Nothing satisfies true racist and she or he is using the same words of 2008. Sick of those two who have done a lot to divide this nation.

    Kammikens is a useful tool for the continuation of the destruction of the USA by Bozo, Mooseshell and the rest. Time to take back OUR country.

    And to answer the question of some I may not have black in my heritage but I am definitely a mix of races in this melting pot of the USA. Add a “MIX” to the racial designation for those like me. I am so thankful that I live in this nation and will fight along with those soles in the Arlington cemetery to see that this nation survives in tact just like the forefathers who founded it for the very clear reasons that put us all here.

    And to illegal aliens I say, “Come here legally OR DO NOT COME AT ALL!” THAT IS OUR LAW!!!

  11. Kamalaho will only be another puppet for Odumbo! Both are out to “fundamentally change America!” But, the “always vote blue” and “low information voters” will cast their votes for the destruction of our American way of life. I’m glad I’m in my autumnal years and probably won’t live to see the results of this flawed presidency.

  12. Harris is the biggest lying bitch ever our VP swear the border was secure every day for 3.5 years. Didn’t care these people weren’t vetted or checked for disease or criminal background checks over 15 MILLION ILLEGALS have entered our country. American taxpayers are paying for them to live here Free housing in fancy hotels free food clothing schooling free health care cellphones computers cars bicycles all tax free. Americans taxpayers are paying billions of dollars for illegals and American veterans where kicked out of their homes to make room for illegals. They also get over & 1500.00 dollars every month free on DEPT cards to buy what ever they want. Our on senior citizens on social security that worked their whole life and paid into the system don’t get that much monthly allowance this is pathetic what our own government does to it’s own citizens. Time to defund the complete government and start over. These government officials get their complete salaries when they retire and health benefits for ever. Democrats been screwing the American taxpayers for ever it’s time for major changes. Senior citizens are loosing their homes can’t put food on the table because of inflation and they keep raising our taxes. These government officials need to be fired they are no better than any other American citizens. Drain the swamp. 3.5 years democrats destroyed our country Vote Trump 2024

  13. I’am 82 and in my life time,I have never seen a candidaté as stupid as Harris. Never answer’s a question,and laught’s at everything. America wake up this woman doesn’t have the brains to lead this Country!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Commielala is dumber than a bag of hair. She can’t form a cognizant sentence unless Obama is in her ear piece telling her what to say! Just like cadaver Joe, puppets! We cannot let them install her like they did Biden! Our country and our very lives are at stake! They are the enemy within, NOT Trump or his supporters! Obama wants to get me new world order in place, so HE can be the leader! He was groomed by Kissinger and Brzynski while he was at Columbia, and probably before! Understand people, they hate us and our country! They want the military aged young illegal males as obama’s secret army! Why do you think they are importing all of them? Think about it! They have NO loyalty to us or our country, they want what we have, all of it! Our money, our homes, our food supply, our welfare benefits! Before you vote, think long and hard about our kids and grandkid’s future under another Obama run administration! Personally, I am opting for a man with a proven track record in office, Trump, versus Obama in a pantsuit who wants to murder our babies, mutilate our kids, destroy our country and sell us out to th highest bidder, being China!

  15. Don’t forget good old George Soro he the puppet master of all of this.Hes been thrown out of other countries doing the same crap
    But Obama brought him here and now we have this mess here and yes sorry to say Americans are stupid they can not think pass their nose .And when government gives you free money that the old carrot trick bite it they own you period .we use to push back govetment over reach generation now just excepts and bends never so totally sad .

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