Kamala Harris blew a gasket after learning the real reason Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign

Most Democrats seem to be celebrating Kamala Harris’ coronation as the Party’s Presidential nominee. But behind closed doors, the feeling is much different.  And Kamala Harris blew a gasket after learning the real reason Joe [...]


  1. Kamala Harris is a zero administrator. She totally failed as the Border Czar. She has not
    done one thing since she has been in office. If the black voters were honest with themselves, they are ashamed of her. There are so many black officials who are much more qualified.

  2. Kamala Harris is the WORST Vice President that this country has ever had. She has done nothing for the last 3 yrs plus and as for the border, that’s all about getting illegal votes just like the illegal immigrant’s. We the citizens of the United States should put our foot down on that one, along with supporting the illegals with our tax dollars which we the citizens of the United States will be paying for out of our paychecks. Hey Kamala, how about taking care of our veterans. They are the most important, not the illegals.

  3. This is a travesty of justice, talk about destroying democracy, what happened to our nation being one nation under God, with a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. With Democrats there is no Democracy, they simply pledge themselves to the Dollar. President JFK said it best when he stated: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country”. We have seen what the wealthy democratic elites have done to our country and it is shameful.

    • Anybody that votes for the cackling commie deserves what they get, but the rest of us don’t. WE need a real leader that puts AMERICA FIRST.

    • This is so true…The illegal immigrants is being treated like royalty and our Veterans are homeless and hungry. What is wrong with you people that would rather house cloth and feed the illegals and forget about the ones that fought to keep us free. How can we reach the young voters and let them know Harris thinks they are stupid. God please bless the USA.

      • Try posting things in the on-line forums they use.
        They get bought off with the College loans paid for by the Taxpayers. Nothing is Free. They are being Used !!
        Say NO to Illegals being able to Vote that’s why the Border was opened by Biden and Border Czar Harris !!

    • Thelma!!! What did Donald Trump and the swamp creatures do for us? Name one thing except the fact that he recommended us to inject bleach in our bodies to cure covid 19. Or have you forgotten??

    • Direct qoute: “Ask not; what your country can do for you; but rather; ask what you can do for your country.” Good old jFK; the greatest Democrat of my lifetime and they had to go and kill him. May they burn in Hell for it. Dave

  4. Kamala the laughing hyena. Wow, what a picture she paints if she were to become president. Hopefully, even the Democrats see that she is not worthy of being our top commander-in-chief. She will become the laughing stock of the world.

  5. the only good thing Biden has done is not leave office before Jan. bc that would make Harris our President until the election….then she would be running as an incumbent.

    • Doesn’t sound like a good idea… although she could be more easily blamed for everything that goes wrong…

    • That’s probably the reason the Democrats made her the vice president. They knew she was worthless and they needed someone like her to keep the people from impeaching Biden, because they knew he was about as worthless also. Why they put either one of them in office is a mystery to me. Biden has put this country in the worse shape it has ever been in the history of the country and Harris has done nothing. In charge of the border and never even visited the border.

  6. I happ they chose her because TRUMP will mop the floor with her.
    She’s the most unintelligent woman to even be a vice president.
    Originally she was chosen because she’s a black female. And now even that is a lie.
    She’s absolutely worthless!

  7. I happy they chose her because TRUMP will mop the floor with her.
    She’s the most unintelligent woman to even be a vice president.
    Originally she was chosen because she’s a black female. And now even that is a lie.
    She’s absolutely worthless!

  8. A post by Thelma Latham was so spot on. Being from Cape Cod we have always adored JFK, warts and all. This cackling hyena that believes she can run the country is an absolute idiot. I can’t wait to see Trump destroy her in the debates. Our country is going down in flames and Trump will help us heal.

  9. She can’t put two thoughts together. She has supported all of Biden’s and Obama’s policies that have torn our country apart. But she is even more radical left in her beliefs. Her laugh is very irritating and ingenious. She can not be our next president she will continue with the worst of Bidens policies and and add her own that are even worse destroying our country in less than a year.

    • If you like word salads, continue to listen to the lie after lie!
      Just look at her record. How she handled the job given to her is Brown’s association with her. If you honestly look at what she had done to destroy America, no race will vote for her. I beg you if considering a vote for her, just don’t for the children. Give them HOPE. Not a broken dream.

  10. The reason Biden “bailed” was not that he was worried about Harris not being able to beat President Trump, it was because he was strongarmed by Obama, Pelosi and someone Soros sent to drop out or be removed using the 25th Amendment and have that as his legacy. Harris will be just as much a useful idiot as Biden for the Obama-Soros cabal without making the Democrat party look like they are operating a memory care center at 16 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    • Totally agree. The dark shadow will be telling her what to do just like they used Biden. Harris will be the new pupet.

  11. Harris was Biden’s and democrats golden token ticket to get black people to vote for democrats. She’s the most useless person and biggest lying VP ever to get elected. Nobody is going to fall for that again look at the border she keeps saying it’s secure when over 10 million illegals keep coming across the border. She’s a lying piece of crap she will never ever get the votes to win black Americans hate her she gives the a bad name because she so stupid. Americans had enough of black Obama and his racist pig agenda another corrupt black asshole. Democrats lied for 4 years tell us how great Biden is and covered his brain dead performance and tried to get away with it. Pelosi and Schumer are the biggest lying piece of crap in Congress they should be indicated for a coup against a president

  12. Don’t worry Obama has someone else to put in. Can you guess? Big Mike. That’s rights his husband for president! That was the plan all along. Get rid of Biden, act like he wants Harris then turn around at the convention and say I want big mike but he will say Michelle. The lies of the Democrat party. Does anyone out there believe anything the democrats says? The destruction of America is almost complete but Biden stop it. By saying he supports Harris he turned the table on the democrats. They thought he would just faded away. He trusted Obama and Nancy Pelosi then they stabbed him in the back. They blackmail Biden. Now you people who already voted for Biden because your state wanted to cheat you can’t vote again. They have to recall all ballots with Biden name has president and Harris as VP. In Michigan Michelle Obama is on the ballot. How did the governor know?. Corruption! That is why she said he didn’t want to run with Harris. Her Soros already knows what Obama is pulling. You think I’m wrong you just wait. Obama has been a con man his whole life. George Clooney is just too stupid to see it.

    • Hate to say this, actually, would love to say this. Obama itch and his boyfriend (boy toy) have been gone a few years ago. Biden and Harris goes along with that also. Just so you know, there is change coming around very soon!

  13. If Biden needed a cognitive test, then Kamala needs an IQ test. If this Minnie Ha Ha of a vice president accomplished nothing in the last three and a half years, how in the hell can we be so stupid as to make her the leader of our country. She speaks nothing but lies and platitudes and like Biden she is all talk and no action.

  14. This started before Obama was elected. Remember the birth certificate that had white-outs on it. Birth certificates do NOT have white-outs on them. So was he really an American (to hold office)? Biden had a mental problem when he was running for President and they all knew it. Now he has been stabbed in the back and Karmala in in the loop for Prez. She is so dumb and far, far, left. Vote Trump, help save our Nation.

    • The country has had to be the laughingstock of the World with Dumb and Dumber….no way we can survive if cackler
      Is elected! Wake up America!

    • Right! Vote the Trump/Vance ticket and avoid all of the behind the curtain activity! Can’t change the past, but we can sure learn from it if we are smart! Fan the bushes and get all of registered Republicans out to vote! Let’s show them what a fair transparent election looks like!

  15. Cackling Kammy is an idiot with an IQ not much higher than her shoe size. If Barack’s bitch (Michelle) were to run, she’d win. That’s scary. She’d be dopey Joe Biden on steroids. This would be the end of our country.

  16. Everyone should watch Merit Media. Besides Trump, the only solution to the border crisis is for Texas to succeed from the USA, not elect a do nothing Harris. She has demonstrated time over time that she is just a politician, nothing more. A Democrat, like Pelosi and Obama!!!

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