Joy Behar was raising hell over one awful reality staring Democrats in the face

Panic is setting with the harpies on The View about the Presidential election.  They’re trying to cope with the possibility of Donald Trump winning.  And Joy Behar was raising hell over one awful reality staring [...]


  1. Harris has yet to tell the people what her policies are.The only thing she has is hatred for Trump. Between her hatred and the word salad she spews all the time, there is absolutely no substance to her. She is not fit for office.

    • KamalToe has already said over and over and over on camera that she would do nothing different from Jokementia’s ‘great’ policies / ‘accomplishments’! ‘She wouldn’t change a thing’ !!! THAT didn’t work well, so now she’s going to FIX all the horrible problems Jokementia/she CAUSED!
      The BAD did NOT ‘start’ with Trump, Democrats love their junkies CRIME WAVE of 75+ MURDERS DAILY, 300+ O D DEATHS DAILY, 1,000+ BEATINGS/KNIFINGS/SHOOTINGS DAILY, and TENS of MILLIONS+ OTHER DAILY CRIMES that are destroying our USA !!! Anyone voting for Democrats should be charged with ‘Accessory to MURDERS’ !!! Plus, after Trump ended all wars worldwide, Jokementia/KamalToe have 6 new unneeded WARS going on murdering /displacing thousands of innocent people and destroying friendly peaceful relationships across the planet and heading us toward WWIII and they’re wanting to send $$Trillions in support of those unneeded wars and we’re HORRIBLE people IF we OPPOSE their beloved unneeded ‘Cheney wars’!

    • You took the words right out of my brain. Those dimwitts on the View cannot see beyond their hatred for Trump to realize Harris can’t answer a question without first saying Trumps name. And when attempts to really answer, she sounds like a female Prof Irwin Corey.

  2. I don’t think I have ever listened any show in which Joy Behar was involved. None of my friends seem to have ever heard of her. So my question is: why is she getting so much attention right now?

    • Because other than Whoopee Cushion, Joy is about the most radical, left-wing, racist idiot on TV. About the only thing she says that MAY be true is her name – and that’s probably a stage name, she’s worse than Whoopee or Kamalala about lying about ANYTHING that’s not a radical, libtard opinion. She and Whoopee Cushion have promised so many times that they’d leave the U.S. if Trump were to win, but they’re lying about that too.

      • Soooo true! Not only that; Joy Behar is a hateful, vengeful person. Doesn’t she have to pay higher prices at the grocery store? Be affected by a fentanyl death in some form or fashion, the horrible, heinous crime and the lawlessness in this country.
        I think she is turning a blind eye. The others on The View are awful but Behar tops the summit with her crazy, liberal vengeful ways. Why has she been allowed to stay on that show? She is not a blessing and Joy is not joyful!

  3. No, absolutely not! President Trump, JD Vance, and others of their staff need to stay as far away from this liberal idiotic show as possible! These crazy women are vile, fowl mouth and just plain stupid!! The show needs to be cancelled and put Whoopie and Behar out of a job and into a nursing home! They are old, ugly and their opinions do not matter to anyone

    • Yes, they really are ugly, aren’t they? But with all their hype and frenzy, they are funny. They don’t have a clue. How would anyone believe Harris could deal with Putin, Xi, Little Rocket man, and the ilk in Iran. They are communists. Oh. I forgot they’re just like she is and vice versus.


    • I do not know why the network allows them to sabotage an opposing candidates, let alone call them and their family names. If you take note, they never say anything about Biden/Harris about their goings on. Biden/Hunter collusion with the Chinese. Harris never being elected to any office at all. The murders of innocent people at the hands of Venezualan criminals let in by them. (by the way, they were flown in under the radar by Biden and did not come by way of the border) So I take a look at these women if that what you want to call them and see they are not really Americans. If they were, they would have empathy for the people attacked by criminals that were let into the country. No comments about no relief for the hurriane victims. If anything they evidentally are on the path to destroy our country. Shame on Goldberg, she made her money, so now she thinks she can step on and slander whoever she pleases. Trump needs to stay away from this show. They are not worth anyones time. I personally do not watch the show. I saw clips of it and that was enough for me. Who needs to watch women sitting at a table and continually slander whoever they please.

    • Trump is brilliant and can handle these dimwit nitwits without even raising his blood pressure. He would eat their lunch and have a great time making fools of them.

      I do agree the show is a joke and so full of hateful gossip. They are a typical group of hens you can find in any school who think they are in charge. This is so unappealing to women! Airheads and vicious but my guess is a lot of bored people tune them in. I never have and never will unless Trump is there to make a real show out of the hen house. My thoughts are sic em President Trump. They are disgusting, hateful and should be shamed for all their big mouth nastiness. They are right up there with that nobody who showed a head of Trump like she had decapitated him.

      And I am not exagerating, I have NEVER EVER watched that show!! I am a woman, retired but extremely busy. I am never bored and in my lifetime I have seen too many women debase themselves the same way from school up. It is childish and shows how NOT smart these women are. But that is the woke of today!

    • I disagree that Whoopeee and BayFart should be fired!!! The more exposure those two miscreants receive the more it benefits the Republicans! It’s just that simple. The bought-and-paid-for ‘Press’ is grotesquely biased. What percentage of intelligent, thinking-people believe otherwise? I suspect that number is smaller than routinely publicized by the lib Press.

  4. Actually I would love to see PRESIDENT TRUMP go on the view of the bitches and wipe the floor with them. Serve them all right. They all need to be put in looney bins. PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP/VP J.D. VANCE

    • Me, too… he would ‘wipe the floor’ with ALL of them AND it would totally EXPLODE their viewership. It would break ALL records– they surely can’t have that many viewers, as it stands right now. It would be fun to SEE good ol’ Whoopie just ‘disintegrate’…. She used to be so funny & talented. WHAT happened to her??? I haven’t watched “The View” for yrs, but I would surely watch that.

    • I wouldn’t want him to ever acknowledge that they exist. He doesn’t need to get anywhere near that bunch of crappy bitties.

  5. Trump would only be hurting himself. They are hater. They would treat our President Donald J Trump like a dog. He is much better off doing rallies. And talking to people who love America and Trump.

  6. The old biddies on the view are so vile, it should be called a horror show! They spew their lies, and think they are the sages of all wisdom! That is the demonrat way, bully people into voting for THEIR candidate, but it isn’t working for them. The unknown factor about commielala against Trump’s proven track record as president should be a no brainer! Trump is by far the best candidate! Obama tried to scold, belittle, and bully black male voters into voting for commielala, but they aren’t buying it! So the demonrats resort to calling Trump and his supporters garbage, facists, Nazis, threats to our society, when they are describing THEMSELVES! Any vote for commielala is a vote for obama’s fourth term! Haven’t we all had more than enough of his agenda to destroy our country? I know I have! Save our country, vote MAGA all the way!!!!!!

  7. I have no problem deciding who to vote for. I voted for Trump. Kamala is to wishy washy. She is lying to get what she wants. I don’t mind voting for a woman. But Kamala is not that woman.

    • Obama telling Kamala (not knowing the mic was still live) do what I did, tell them (the Americans) what you want and they will believe it, then after you get in -you do what you want. In other words, if you go back, he sure was right in that respect. On day 1,he was confronted by people about what he was going to do. His Answer—you lost–I won…I make all the decisions. So as many have seen the past 3 1/2 years. Obama is behind all this and he has been calling most of the shots. If anyone is dangerous and a threat to us, it is him. You can see how he is acting to his own african/american black men….telling them who to vote for, like they cannot think for themselves.

  8. The View went to the dark side when Barbra Walters left. She kept it interesting and fair. Now it’s evil and far left sided. He should not go on The View. Watching The Five right now and I can’t stand Jessica. She can’t be that stupid about what is going on. She’s so drinking the koolaid that the Democraps are dishing out. I don’t think she can think for herself.

    • Babara Walter was a class act….that all went down the drain…the show needs to be taken off the air.

    • I agree with you. I liked the view when Barbara Walters was in charge, but when she left the whole show went down the preferable drain. I just had to quit watching it. What a shame.

  9. kamalala cannot explain her policy because the cabal has not given it to her because she then would blurt it out and we could then stop them. she needs to win the election first then the puppet masters will tell her what to sign. god have mercy on the U.S.A if somehow she wins

  10. Kamala proclaims she has a plan – but won’t answer questions about it, won’t tell the public what it is or how it will be financed. She has taken and spouted opposite positions on virtually every subject, engendering the certainty that her “Change!” proclamation is literally what we can expect – and we won’t like the changes because they will be Progressive. Open borders, government borrowing and spending, disorganized (and disorienting) foreign policy, economically disastrous price controls, maybe even funding another Chinese biologic warfare experiment. The only thing we know about Kamala is King Joe’s programs (of which he is proud) over the last nearly four years, and that’s not good.

  11. I think Trump needs to stay away from the View unless he goes in with a cross and Holy Water. And maybe be Mark Levin. That show is a cesspool of caldron of witches . They need to cancel the show. The new so called Republican on the panel Farrah Griffen is ex employee of Trump is now fully brainwashed to their way off thinking.

  12. How has Kamala “turned herself inside out, practically”? She doesn’t answer any question, she lies about EVERYTHING, including the class she grew up in, and every time she’s asked a question about herself, she reverts to Trump. What are these people talking about? They’re all NUT JOBS!

  13. Could it be Harris has not answered anything with honesty, substance or truth? She’s been a public figure, drawing tax payers salary for how long and what record is she standing on? Let’s just look at the past three years as the border czar, 18 million illegals raising havoc on our safety and economy. Not good. Not impressive.

  14. It’s too much trouble for President Trump to take his valuable time and try to converse with these idiots. There are not worth it. My only prayer…both Beyer and Goldberg threatened to leave the country last time President Trump was elected. Please, please mean it this time, leave and don’t come back. We don’t need to be bombarded by your ignorant and vicious rantings and that’s all you all do is rant and rave. A maybe a lot of people who are ‘on the fence’ have already decided who to vote for and it’s not Kamala. So please, don’t let the door to the US hit you all on the behinds on your way out. I’m sure there are many other countries at there that are more to your taste – France, England, China, Russia – there’s a world out there for you. Oh, you might try North Korea or Venezuela also.

  15. How is this not election interference? The View is a news organization after all it’s the only way their on the air! The biased ranting are not news! BOYCOTT THE VIEW!!!!

  16. VP Kamala will not answer questions on her policies because she doesn’t want you to know her true views. Beware of her truth. The View show should be cancelled because of their hatred they spew on people they don like. They are a true group of racist idiots.

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