John Legend just made a mockery of Christianity with his absurd take on this tragedy

John Legend has many of his fans screaming “shut-up and sing.”  The singer has decided to weigh in on politics and is pushing his radical left-wing views down his fans’ throats.  And to make matters [...]


    • ALL religions are evil FOREIGN psychotic mass murderous mental illness! Get rid of all of them and get rid of Democrats’ Party like should have happened after Civil War 1 !!!
      IF we “toned it down” in 1860, the Democrats would still own the blacks as slaves, instead of by lying to them…

  1. Didn’t even bother to read this article. Who cares what he thinks? Why people promote him, or his other half, is beyond me. He’s a legend alright. In his own mind!

  2. John, why aren’t you putting some of them up in your muli- roomed mansion and they could also have a tent camp on the grounds! You have the space.

  3. If these ILLEGAL ALIENS are so “hard working” as Legendinhisownmind claims then why aren’t they EARNING money for food and necessities instead of getting Free Money from OUR POCKETS and still eating the local’s pets and anything they can find in the local lakes and fields?

    And Democrat Party Bosses IGNORE the testimony of local citizens and videos to claim Trump and others are lying!

    Folks, if you are still voting Democrat you are simply STUPID and bent upon self destruction! If destroying yourselves is your intent then so be it. BUT STOP WORKING SO HARD AND BREAKING EVERY LAW IN EXISTENCE TO TAKE THE REST OF US WITH YOU!!!

    Here’s an idea! Hey, John, why not invest some of your MILLION$ in feeding those poor Haitians that are so hungry they must steal Kittens, Ducklings and Puppies to eat?

    • John Legend is as repulsive as that POS wife of his, who bullied a young woman to kill herself on line.She is a Sub- human and I think they are made for each other. I fear for their children. Both John and his wife’s mother’s should have beat them in the head and sold the milk,a huge favor to society.🙄

    • No accountability/responsibility, held liable for crimes against local citizens (theft of pets, neighbor’s possessions, the like)…grand-theft-auto without a driver’s license leading to ultimate manslaughter or maiming of innocent live(s) after which the defendant posts a menial bail, which he/she ‘skips’ out on and reoffends in some other fashion incurring more loss of life/limb because of inexcusable migrant behavior.

  4. Second Amendment, here we come to the point where it was meant to be used on tyrants and traitors. Just remember the French revolution, if not the American one. It ain’t gonna be pretty. All you prissy dopes voted for this, and now you’re crying. Millions of suckers falling for altruistic bull shit. I hope you all realize what is being done to you and by whom. You will either fight against big odds, or you will grovel as slaves, watching all that is near and dear to you disappear, including you crying suckers.

  5. The democrats don’t care about we the people!!! The jackasses who are in office want to keep their power if they can’t, they want to destroy our country it’s simple as that!! Along with the rhinos they want NWO, which stands for New World order if they can’t get it there again, they will destroy our country and the world!! We need a big change they need to be brought to justice, and put in jail for their crimes!! We have too many sleepers in our in our country from all over the world who will wake up and start a war within our borders!! Is there any solution think about it?

  6. I think movie stars and the Hollywood elites need to shut thier mouths and do what they do, sing and act. When it comes to the needs of the American people, they are out of touch with what is going on in our country. It doesn’t affect them because they have the millions to afford the high prices but ordinary working people are living paycheck to paycheck. If they don’t have any solutions to the problem, then keep your mouth shut, because we don’t trust any of them. WE ALL NEED TO VOTE RED ON NOVEMBER 5TH TO SAVE US AND OUR COUNTRY.

  7. If John Legend wants to ever sell his music again he should keep his mouth shut about everything he has no idea about. It’s been proved that the Haitians are eating all sorts of animals. It’s their culture. Heck stories were coming out of Haitia of cannibalism. They have no business being in our country like this. Plus John Legend has no idea how bad COVID vaccines are and should keep his mouth shut about getting vaccinated. He also is telling people that it’s OK to get flu shots and COVID vaccines together. Not if you want to increase your chances of dying faster. The two together give you a higher increase of strokes. Never listen to Hollywood about health issues.

  8. Mr. Legend, I agree with loving your neighbor. The Word of God also says: Luke 12:48 states, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

  9. no they should be deported back where they came from… everyone has had enough of
    illegals coming over the border.. send them to delaware to bidens house and to kamalas house and clinton and obamas house.. its their problem..

  10. Why not start sending them money from you, or better yet house several with you.
    Your family has been such a pillar of holiness.

  11. Both Legend and his wife are wackadoodles. She is paid by the Chinese government to get you on Ticktock and he’s trying to Gaslight you about “his home town, Springfield “. When was the last time you were there John? You have no clue of what those people are going through. Just Shut up and stay out of politics unless you are willing to take some of these people to your own house or send money so our tax dollars don’t pay for them.

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