John Kerry made one environmental extremist claim that has normal Americans blowing a fuse

Poll after poll shows that the vast majority of Americans do not approve of Joe Biden and his failed regime.  New headlines emerge every day of a Biden regime official making some bizarre woke comment, [...]


  1. when is that useless corpse going to just keel over and evaporate. biggest bag of hot air other than alec baldwin on the planet good riddance

    • When I was young back in 1950s-60s, we kids/visiting cousins played outside all day long boating in the creek that ran through my parents yard on Thanksgiving Day but the past few years it has been bitter cold on that day!

    • Agree 100%. Kerry is an awkward gullible blow hard. Can’t wait for him to disappear. Baldwin, Biden, Hillary, Kamala, Mayorkas and the rest of the democrat parasites!!!

  2. John Fonda Kerry, the hero of North Vietnam has wondered through life with no accomplishments other than 3 self-inflicted purple hearts to get him out of the combat zone & the ability to dump one millionaire woman & trade up for the current Mrs. Kerry who has one hell of a lot more money. He’s still trying to become relevant, and nobody cares.

  3. John Kerry has been Fabricating these lies about Climate change and just about everything he says. CO2 is the gas of life, without it noting lives. It has no correlation with Temperature change This far left policy is nothing but a hoax. So the last person in the world you want to be advised by climate change Is John Kerry. I would also add that climate change has been going on since the beginning of time. Man has little or no effect on it.

  4. John Kerry is out of his mind. Climate change and Global warming are nothing but hoaxes being perpetrated on the people of the world. Both of them have been debunked and proven as blatant lies. Without CO2 all of the plants would die, plants and trees give us the oxygen we need to survive.

  5. While North Carolina and environs remain devastated by hurricanes two months ago, Biden just pledged $i billion to Angola which is having its own devastation. Kerry’s remarks ane not unlike Biden’s actions, which is to take care of foreigners and ignore the plight of Americans.

  6. Disgusting!!!! There are Americans in North Carolina who have lost loved ones, homes and all of their worldly goods!! John Kerry is a Buffon and should not be spouting Climate change in in the devastationin North Carolina has endured. And not any help from this lame duck administration. That all I’ve got to say!!!!

  7. The climate here in NY changes 4 times a year. Sometimes it’s extremely cold, sometimes it extremely hot,and sometimes it’s just right….It’s been proven that a big factor in the global warming conversation is the solar panels we are incessantly filling our farm lands with. I won’t listen to any of these “expert opinions” until someone can prove that what’s happening in our world isn’t just natural evolutionary changes in our planet.

  8. The ugly lurch should go away. He doesn’t know anything about climate change and he is a hypocrite who jets around the world in his wife’s late husband’s private jet. He only has money because of his wife’s late husbands family, who by the way are Republicans. I wouldn’t believe anything that he says about anything because like most Democraps, he doesn’t know anything but lies his way through life.

  9. In 4 years I never once saw him do or be anywhere!! Just what has he been doing all this time? I truly would like to know! Useless person and how much money was he paid? I could have done that job and certainly need the money more than he does!!

  10. We should all at once stop paying taxes. These Elitist jerks just spend it on everything but what it should be spent on. They use our taxes to try and make slaves of us all.

  11. pay attention climate issues are result of bill gates and chemtrails ..
    they are all over ny skies and other states at other times of day ..check it out ..bill gates was involved with fauci too and the covid mess,, hes deep in this mess hes creating for us.. they need to all be in jail or sent to prisons where the illegal criminal ones are going back to .. they are evil .. they had animals killed for bird flu too ..

  12. About 10 years ago Kerry LOUDLY declared that the ice caps were melting and the US would be flooded for miles inland. NY City would be under water. That we must walk or drive $90,000 EVs while he flew around the planet in jets that pumped climate killing chemicals into the air and motored about in gas powered limos. Kerry declared that the Polar Bears would soon be extinct.

    The ice caps have grown to record coverage! They did NOT melt. There are 5 times as many Polar Bears now than when Kerry was born.

    Bottom line, Kerry is a LIAR and HYPOCRITE. Even if the polar seas ice caps did melt the level of ocean water would NOT rise.

    WHY don’t our “defenders” and the political opposition STAND UP and refute his LIES? He isn’t interested in saving the planet! All he and his Globalist/Communist cronies want is more POWER over all of us. By the way, Kerry owns oceanfront property!!

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