John Fetterman shut down one Democrat attack on Elon Musk that no one saw coming

John Fetterman has become a wildcard in the Democrat Party.  He zigged when the rest of the party was zagging.  And John Fetterman shut down one Democrat attack on Elon Musk that no one saw [...]


  1. Glad all is being investigated Republican and Democrat both as we have Republican who put their interest first. I think President Congress and Senate and President should evaluate by out side source before a bill can be made law. The money money we pay out should be audit every year by out sides as Congress, Senate presidents have to much authority when to comes to ourmoney .

    • Yes 100% agree with you. Most democrats all whinning when its comes to auditing. What are their hiding for to the american people. What are their scared of? This is our tax dollars. Every american citizen need to know when it comes to our tax dollars.

  2. These commies weren’t worried about a “constitutional crisis” when Obama and Biden administrations were running rampant all over the constitution! A real Constitutional crisis exists when an administration and its President are violating the Constitution by creating all manner of laws the majority of American citizens are OPPOSED to, using taxpayer dollars to do so, with the real agenda of overthrowing our government and taking permanent control of it in totalitarian rule! As usual, Democrats are accusing Republicans of the very things they themselves are guilty of, which is a tactic used by all dictators throughout the history of the world. Don’t believe it??? Do your own research!

  3. The only reason demoncreps are whinning and crying about DOGE is because they are all guilty of misappropriation of public funds and they are trying to cover their asses!!! When all the shit hits the fan, there will be some politicians both demo and repub who will lose their jobs and hopefully end up in prison for multiple felonies!!!! This has to stop before we go bankrupt!!!

  4. This democrat party is unlike anything, this Senator from Pa. has ever experienced. I hope he never falls in line with their hysterics. They are so angry because Elon Musk, under the direction of President Trump, is stopping the money flow, and maybe a money laundering scheme. If foreign aid worked, there’d be no starving kids anywhere, IMO

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