John Fetterman rained on Democrats’ parade by delivering some bad news that has them pulling their hair out

John Fetterman isn’t following the typical playbook for a Democrat Senator. He just went out on a limb on the last thing his Party expected.  And John Fetterman rained on the Democrats’ parade by delivering [...]


  1. I served in the US Air Force for 3 years in the Panama Canal Zone which our Country completed digging and operated. It was AWESOME to see what our Nation the United States of America was capable of doing! We had a contract to remain in control of the 10 mile wide and it runs from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans in length. Our Country had a 100 year contract to maintain the canal and its operation. Upon expiration of the contract ownership returned to the Panama People. I share this because the USA lost the right to the Canal Zone control when it was returned to the Country of Panama! Just want to share what I learned during tour of duty in the Panama Canal Zone1973 to 1976.

  2. I voted yes but I have heard that there are severe problems with the Canal. for one thing, I heard the lake that supplies fresh water is running dry and that Panama is building reservoirs to replace the water. They have the water- just not in the right place.Panama might not be so willing to give us the space for the reservoirs or the water.

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