Joe Biden suffered one betrayal from a top advisor that hit him like a ton of bricks

The knives are out for Joe Biden now that his political career is coming to an end.  Even his inner circle is turning on him.  And Joe Biden suffered one betrayal from a top advisor [...]


  1. “IF” Hunter Biden had NOT BEEN Joe’s son and just a ordinary citizen,the so called democratic D.O.J. would have thrown the proverbial book at him.

  2. Biden’s pardon of Hunter was an exercise in futility. Once the dust settles Hunter will go back to his old ways, dope and loose women. I expect Biden has stashed away enough laundered money for Hunter to enjoy his former lifestyle.
    As Biden discovers he is reviled by most of the nation as well as former friends, it will haunt him mercilessly.

    • He has already gone down as the worst President in American history…and he just keeps adding to his demented legacy…

  3. It is not surprising Biden pardoned Hunter his son as he is also protecting himself and his much involved family as well.

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