Joe Biden sat in stunned silence after a top Democrat made this scary prediction

Panic over their election prospects is growing amongst Democrats. Now a Party leader broke his silence about the state of play. And Joe Biden sat in stunned silence after a top Democrat made this scary [...]


  1. there comes a time in everyone’s life even the president that tells them when they must step aside and let someone with new ideas that will help the people of this messed up world. He must realize that.

    • Hang in there Joe and take your failures and terrible decisions to the limits, the total destruction of a once valuable collection of ideas and policies that found favor with a majority of Americans.

      • You are not satisfied with an inadequate President and the damage he has done; you want a complete failure resulting in the absolute destruction of our Nation!

  2. I will not be voting for Joey or any Democrat but I honestly think, in fairness to his party, Joe should bite the bullet and step down. If not he will be clobbered, and devastated by Trump and it will be the largest majority ever, ever, ever and Joe will be humiliated. Jill is his obstacle and Joe has to grow a pair to get the courage to tell her “honey, it is time I threw in the towel”. Doing that is fair to his voters and staying in the race is going to be his “heritage” for centuries. Leave with grace, don’t stay and get shamed. It is like an old baseball playing who can’t see the ball and strikes out, missing the ball by a mile. Leave when you can be proud, not when you are shamed by a “landslide” victory for Trump. That is what a “real man” would do.

  3. The Democrats did this to themselves. They euhemerized Obama; they did nothing to develop a nationally promotable replacement for him. They had, in fact, a viable, promotable candidate, one that could almost certainly taken on Trump, a senator who voted reliably in the direction of Progressive programs – WV’s Senator Manchin. But they drove him out of the party with their dogmatic lunacy, their pursuit of costly unpopular programs that obviously did not and could not work, that the voting public did not want. The Progressives are what they accuse the Republicans of being; they are the Orwellian Fascists. They are a reigion.

  4. Fruit of the poisonous tree. Dems panic at thought of Bernie as “their” president and forced in weak alternative Joe.So, had no choice but to cover for Joe. Current Dem panic over being left with Joe for next November means they must find”another Joe.”. They knew Joe was bad news, but better for THEM than Bernie. And they dug an ever deeper hole as they realized Joe was failing faster than they expected but they were too far down to climb out. Now having elected Joe to “Save Democracy” they must abandon Democracy to get rid of him.”Hoisted on their own petard. Serves them right–but the Republic is the real victim of their scams.

  5. If you haven’t noticed, God has the reins. IT’s about time the dems are kicked to the curb where they will flounder and die off. No more gender confusion. No more fake transgenders. No more swat teams barging in at 4:00am while Alvin the chipmonk makes a mockery of our justice system. He must be made to atone for the innocent lives he has cost us. As he is tortured by the demons of Hell he must Bragg about his earthly sins.

  6. Politic’s as opposed to the will and voice of the people is ruining the United States of America, as the will of the common citizens, has been captured by the political entities, who then force feed their will through the absolutely polluted system, of more than two parties, ruled rather by self-serving financial powers, to the total disregard of the people!

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