Joe Biden said four words about the mysterious “drones” that were scary as hell

Joe Biden is out to lunch as his Presidency comes to an end.  He broke his silence on the biggest mystery in the country.  And Joe Biden said four words about the mysterious “drones” that [...]


  1. I have no doubt that Biden was paid by China for allowing the balloon over flight of the United States. It occurs to me that the same kind of bribery is involved with these drones.

  2. There are a large number of drones in the Ocala-Gainesville,Florida skies every night for a couple of weeks. When my wife went to take a pix of a low level drone, as she turned the electronic camera on, the drone lights went out. They are harvesting all types of electronic activity, and collecting pre-attack data.They could easily disperse bio-agents,or other nasty things.

  3. These drones have to be considered dangerous, with a brain-dead Commander in Chief in office. What a complete mistake, and January 20th cannot come soon enough.

  4. We can’t trust anything Biden or his fakes say, because all he has ever done his whole life is lie. Biden has sold us to China.
    I can’t wait until Jan. 20th!

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