Joe Biden is feeling the heat now that his role in this ugly green energy scandal has been exposed

Joe Biden is trying to ram as many of Democrats’ environmental extremist policies into law as possible before November’s election. But one dark secret about his green energy scheme is being exposed. And Joe Biden [...]

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  1. Another Hoax! This article is spot on! Hit the nail on the head so to speak. In this day and age of a Democratic Administration their thoughts and actions are against us, the legal citizen. This administrations corrupt practices have rapidly spread throughout the United States and the World. Infecting practically every institution and even our most private activities: Government, Financial Institutions, Schools, Workplaces, Homes, Religious Groups, Associations, and Police/Military. We are in a state of unrestrained political corruption, this is known as ‘Kleptocracy’, literally meaning “ rule by the worst least qualified, or most unscrupulous. A systematic corruption and a lack of openness and accountability, arbitrary policy making, and deception of those who rule.”
    “The abuse of entrusted power for private gain”
    It erodes trust, weakens republic, hampers economic development, further exacerbated inequality, poverty, social division, and environmental crisis.”
    It is not surprising that so many left and right wingers and their actors miss the boat (and miss it, and miss it, and miss it to the point where they need a ferry schedule) . Character is tied to Christian Tradition, which is then tied to Liberty through a wide spread acceptance of Common Law, and Liberty to Property-Preserved and Protected by Titles and Deeds, and soon, by a Free Market. All four are needed for success, but character was the prerequisite because it put the law behind property agreements, and set responsibility right next to Liberty. And the surest way to ensure the presence of good character was to keep God at the center of one’s life, community, and ultimately the nation! “Separation of Church and State”meant freedom to worship, not freedom from worship! It went back to the link between Liberty and Responsibility, and no one could be taken seriously who was not responsible to God!! “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty!”

    Also Please pay attention to HR8467, where it says a non-governmental organization, as determined by the Administrator. In reading all of HR8467 there is an invisible hand at work! Washington policies are focusing on,privatization, deregulation, liberalization, and micro-stability centered on, climate change, inflation, globalization, and sustainable living. HR8467 has been significantly altered and has undertook unorthodox policies. It only reinforces the view of duplicity: one set of rules for the rich and powerful, another for the rest. This whole Bill will only leave havoc in its wake! With the Bill HR8467 it is helping the privatization of the United States market and economy, this effect I fully anticipate a great magnitude of failure for the citizens of the U.S !Take action now! Let your Representatives know you are Against this Bill!
    Ask yourself this “Does my life need this to continue under such conditions?” I personally need a change for my children’s children so they have a chance of better life and a future not ruled by a government of unelected actors! What about you?

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