Joe Biden flew into a jealous rage when Donald Trump shared one photo of Jill Biden

Donald Trump and Jill Biden recently ended up in the same room together in Paris. The First Lady appeared to be mesmerized by the President-elect. And Joe Biden flew into a jealous rage when Donald [...]


    • Obviously Jokementia is a goner now in several ways and power mad Jill would love to displace Melania as partner to the upcoming most powerful man in the universe…

    • O, beware, my lord, of jealousy:
      It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
      The meat it feeds on.
      (Iago, Act 3 Scene 3)

    • Did anyone else notice Melania sitting behind him looking at her, too? O’biden wouldn’t have noticed unless one of his aides told him, he’s too far gone.

  1. I believe the drones are related to the criminal elements and terrorists currently in our nation. It is plausible that leaders of these elements are working together to create discourse and fear in Americans to undermine local and federal agencies. Americans are always ready to believe a good conspiracy theory!

  2. Jill can’t hold a candle to Melania. Melania is classy and beautiful and so much more intelligent than Jill. Look at what Jill has done to the White House every Christmas. She has taste for shit. And Harris was worse if you could imagine that. It’s going to be so nice to have people who have good taste in the White House and the Vice President’s house.

  3. These articles are fun to read, but cut back on the theatrical headlines. Joe Biden isn’t capable of flying into anything and his only comment would probably be “Who’s Jill?”

  4. Ya gotta love the guy!! The ideas he and his campaign crew have come up with this year have been just hilarious!! Of course, they’ve been handed a lot of fodder to make into pure gold! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. My Mother told me a long time ago , that if you can take a Mans wife away from him, sooner or later another Man will take her away from you !! I have found in life that is true !!

  6. Dr.Jill looks at Trump like he was ice cream, and she wants a lick! The drones are a distraction, and intended intimidation of the general populace.

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