Jill Biden revealed her worst fear about Joe Biden’s political future

Jill Biden was cemented as one of the most powerful figures in the Biden regime after the debate. Now the First Lady could be making the biggest decision of the President’s campaign. And Jill Biden [...]


  1. So Joe Biden has been holding a political office since he was 32 years old and he is 80 years old now. That my friends is a sin. Term limits!!

    • Dementia Joe,Nancy,Chuck and Mitch are the Poster Children for mandatory term limits just like Congress forced upon the President, 2 terms and no more pay for life. They should receive some type forever payment but the entire amount is stupidity. How about 1 year at full pay, the 2nd year its 75% and by year 3 its 45%. Remove their Free Healthcare for life and let them start paying their own way. Also they should not be seen at Bethesda Naval Hospital unless they actually served in the Military. Time to make members of Congress conform to the way normal Americans live.

    • The article stated he was 2 Years into his term, so he has been wages for 52 years, from all US Taxpayers, long time on the “Government Dole”!

  2. this old fool cannot be presidential with his mental decline on full display, so why have they not invoked the 25th ammendment and forcibly removed him??? there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that he could serve another full term so propping up this vegetable for 4 more months, much less four more YEARS is out of the question and the demonrats know that. it is their power hungry greed that has gotten us into this mess, period. any vote for any demonrat is tantamount to treason, and the demonratic party needs to go into the history books as a defunct political party that overplayed it’s hand once too often. the country would be a much better place with their collective demise.

    • The demos do not see it just power and free trips on tax payers cash it has to stop and stop sending cash overseas, put it to this country not somebodies else country joe and how much did red China pay you and hunter?

  3. biden doesn’t realize what a favor Trump did for him. Trump made it impossible for us to convict a sitting President after their term. AND THAT INCLUDES biden. Or he would certainly due jail time for all his indescretions.

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