Jill Biden finally dropped the act and fully revealed herself as the acting President of the United States

Jill Biden was first on the scene to lead her feeble husband off the stage following the debate that ended his career. And she then tried in vain for a month to fend off the [...]


  1. Since when can the wife of a president become president when he’s unfit to do his job for the people that voted for him? Biden was the one that was VOTED President NOT Jill !!!!!!

  2. Jill Biden has NO right filling in for her husband as President. She has helped cause this mess. It is a nightmare from Hell.

    • From Hell…Yes, and the whole cabal needs to return there! I’m not suggesting violence, only a good, fair election! Trump/Vance2024!

  3. The Democrats are allowed to do whatever they want. They would not let anyone legit run against biden on the ticket. That’s not how it works in America. but they got away with it. RFK was not allowed on the ballot, not allowed to run as a Democrat.

    • A sitting president turning the American Government against a former President! Biden regime is corrupted! Americans wake up! We will get the same corruption with Harris!

      • Artickle 25 of the Constitution should have been enacted long ago but the other senial senior members of Congress refuse to turn on their buddy. Nancy Pelosi IS the cause of the current condition of what was the United States of America.

        • You hit the ‘nail’ on the head, Dave. It’s been a ‘behind doors’ scheme all along. Jill will ‘hide’ behind her doctorate, not admitting to her husband’s health decline or inability to ‘run the country’. Woe to her to admit the truth. I still can’t help thinking this is just another form of treason by the Democrat Party, with the help of a crooked DOJ.

        • Need term limits in the Senate and house. No one should be there for 40 years. If they want term limits for Supreme Court then they need it.

    • You are so correct!! The rules are not for Dems only for the rest of us. We are unable to live our lives unless they tell us how! We have no elite edumacation!!

    • Someone finally woke up! Democratic blame for anything that is negative is always what they are currently doiong and project it on the other party. Even Pelosi was recorded saying that is the way she gets things done, telling a lie over and over again until it is believed and then she gets here way. I think she must have gone to the Joseph Gurbles school of propaganda.

  4. No, I don’t believe that this EdD has the ability, knowledge, or any of the necessary qualifications to be acting as anything but the President of the Local PTO. The power behind the curtain is most probably an entire cabal hellbent on destroying the fabric of this great republic.

  5. In reality, none of the persons pretending to run the country are doing so. The Democratic machine operating behind the scenes is in control, with individuals like George Soros in charge.

  6. American People wake the Hell Up !! If you vote on November the 5th you better vote with your heart. Not because of gender, color, but because They will fight for YOUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS. America Frist and ALWAYS!!!!

  7. Our country needs to be taken back these elitist. We did not elect Jill but her senile husband (let me be clear I didn’t vote for that train wreck either) our government is made up in such a way to clear this problem up. Dems are making clear they don’t want to put VP in place as president. The U.S. Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 outline the presidential order of succession. The line of succession of cabinet officers is in the order of their agencies’ creation.
    Vice President
    Speaker of the House
    President Pro Tempore of the Senate
    Secretary of State
    Secretary of the Treasury
    Secretary of Defense
    Attorney General
    Secretary of the Interior
    Secretary of Agriculture
    Secretary of Commerce
    Secretary of Labor
    Secretary of Health and Human Services
    Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
    Secretary of Transportation
    Secretary of Energy
    Secretary of Education
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs
    Secretary of Homeland Security

    Then do it! We are a republic not a democracy. We are governed by laws not mob rules.

    • Absolutely correct. He has not been capable all along and her ego needed to be fed!
      The House of Representatives needs to ACT NOW!

  8. So since camela can’t run the show. And Jill doesn’t have the authority to even run her own household.Whats Congress speaker of the house doing. Is he also asleep at the wheel to take over the helm of control with regards to protect the US and it’s citizens from further turmoil?

    • Nancyt is still an extremely powerful politicianm as well as being a criminal, and would put a stop to it and make sure that her lap dog Chuck Schumer controls the Senate votes.

  9. Think about Our Nation, How & Why it was formed….”One Nation Under God, In Order To Form A More Perfect Union”….Where has Everyone Lost the True Meaning of That Leading Statement???? Where did everyone Stop ensuring that Our Lord & Savior’s Perfect Love is continually ensured to be upheld By We the People!? Where did we drop the ball? We expected Government to Insure that Our Rights to Be Self-Evident?!?! We are Never to sit back on our collective lazy behinds & Expect “Gov’t. to do it For US”? NO, We are supposed to be the Overseers in the Name of Our Lord. People have become too Lazy & a Disappointment to Our SAVIOUR. Think about it.

  10. I just wondered if comrade Harris will be invited to any of her family get togethers because i can just hear all of them ask her…”what was that you called all of us “ ..? Ha ha ha

  11. Yeah. It’s Jill, welcomed by Pelosi and Schumer, instructed by Obama…Obama’s 3rd term. The same people that will br running the country ( minus Jill, of course! Brandon can’t be without his nurse maid!) when Harris/Walz are installed in the Whitehouse.

    • I betcha that within 6 moonths of leaving the White House Jill dumps Joe like a hot potatoe and goes off and does her own thing. Maybe joe has a life time chair on the beach so he can watch the submarine races.

  12. Dr? Jill was not elected! She is following obama’s orders! HE is running the country through his stooges Biden and Jill. He is also running the Harris campaign! A vote for her is a vote for obama’s fourth term! Every thing Biden has done is the Obama agenda of destroying our country! We must stop this! Vote MAGA, get the demon cabal out of our government! Get Piglosi, Schumer, schiff, commielala, and the rest of the DEMONrats OUT! Save our country by re electing TRUMP! GO MAGA!!!!!!!

  13. This is what the Democrats do, WHAT EVER THEY WANT>>>>> The Senate or congress does nothing but BAD Mouth FORMER PRES TRUMP. The Senate and CONGRESS just suck in the money and forget what they were put in office for

  14. I wonder the reaction of the Democrats if Melania Trump took over the Cabinet meeting. I would imagine they would invoke the 25th Amendment for Trump or attempt to impeach him again! Strange that nothing happens to the Democrats!

  15. Since Jill Biden has no experience as a president she a teacher. I think since Kamala is too busy with her campaign. Which is futile maybe Mike Johnson the speaker of the house is next in line for President. I think he should be in there or President Donald Trump should take over .

  16. Clown show! Disgusting free for all so every wanna-be gets their egos stroked. Time to clean house, but even as important, a daunting, almost impossible massive, ‘bring to justice’ and with punishment for all those people who participate in the ongoing evil in our government. There not enough lawful judges to rule and no jail big enough to hold them all. Hit them where it hurts, perhaps rescind their pensions as they did nothing to earn them. Time in DC was to enhance themselves with money and power. Some will say that pension legally was in their ‘contract’ so to speak, but if you don’t do your job in the public sector, you get fired and that nullifies your ‘perks’. Don’t see hide nor hair of Fauci, Birx, Cheadle, Comey….need I go on. They took their ill gotten gains and dropped out of sight! Shameful!

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