Jewish professors petition Supreme Court to end forced payments to anti-Israel union. Union bosses balk

The woke left-wing outrage mob is unleashing its rabid anti-Semitism in violent uprisings nationwide. College campuses have been ground zero for such anti-Semitism as Jewish students and professors have been subjected to vile attacks from [...]


  1. Unions have served no useful purpose for the last few years and have become nothing more than a political PAC and for the most part, are far left-leaning. No one should be made to join a Union unless they want to. Right-to-work laws should be the base nationwide.

    • The US government itself is ran by liberal unions lol.Just think how much more free our gov would be if that were – not -, the case!

    • I agree. No one should be forced to join a union and pay dues in order to work. They should have the freedom to decide where to spend their money and what organization they want to support!!!

    • You are absolutely correct. What is the problem with “Right to work laws” bringing information to us if we want to know it?


  3. Unions are a major anachronism .They were good in the past but hey this is the 21st century

  4. Unions serve no valuable purpose for workers. They steal money for hard working people to support political activity that makes life worse for We the People.

  5. Based upon what I read here, Unions should not be allowed to donate to political parties. Not everyone in the Union is going to like their choices.

    • True. I found out my Union was supporting people and things I didn’t agree with.
      When Odumber was running for prezidunce, all the black employees were running around with Obama t-shirts, hooting and hollering. When Trump was running, you wouldn’t DARE wear one, not unless you had a death wish. All the Trump supporters kept quiet.

  6. In 1975 I got hired at a cereal factory. On my first day a woman asked me if I had joined the Union. I said, “No. Why should I?” She said, “So you don’t get fired”. I ran to the nearest Union Steward and signed up. 43 years later- I now understand what I didn’t back then, and I’m pissed at how many times the Union let me down. They took my dues every month but when I needed them, they never helped me. Several times I got “disciplined” for things I did (which everyone else was doing too) or didn’t do wrong and it went on my record (3 strikes and you’re out) and the Steward sided with the company. Unions are worthless. They will coerce everyone to go on strike for more money, while ignoring all the other problems. Unions are a scam.

    • I agree 100%, Unions are a Scam and they Suck. I got accused of some crap on the Job that I never did. It was all lies and still to this day pisses me off. I would not go with what they believed and stuck to my Guns. The Union did not back me up at all. Im not a coward like the rest of them POS’s!!

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