Jen Psaki revealed herself as a Deep State puppet with this rage-inducing lie about Tulsi Gabbard

The knives are out for Tulsi Gabbard in the Washington, D.C. “Swamp.” Self-proclaimed “journalists” are dialing up hoaxes against her.  And Jen Psaki revealed herself as a Deep State puppet with this rage-inducing lie about [...]


  1. Jen needs to be sued just like ABC. Spewing false things about someone is against the law. Everyone of these POS journalists need to be held accountable!

  2. I’m for Jen being sued. If she wants to spew lies about people then she should be held accountable just like Georgie was. She isn’t above the law. She’s a democrat liar who needs to be held accountable for what she says.

  3. The REAL Russian assets are Psaki and killary, they are lying about Tulsi because she poses a threat to them. They are afraid of being outed( as if we don’t know already) . Tulsi should sue psaki’s ass off for lying about her. That is defamation of character, and Psaki is defaming her. That is illegal! This lying crap has to stop! The liars should be held accountable, and should be fired from their jobs! Psaki is a lying pos, thinking she is above the law! Well, she isn’t, and should find out the hard way that she isn’t. Time for heads to roll!

  4. Coming from Psaki and NBC, this is completely predictable. And those who give it even a little credence are quite likely as bad as the source.

      • Hey, it’s time for, Jen “NUT” Sackie, The Red Headed Toilet Brush to deliver more fraud and bilge than you could shake a stick at, piped in straight from the sewer….When ever the “Fake News” needs to fabricate mass media lies, they just dig up the foulest of the foul to run her mouth like a bad case of diarrhea, hence, “The Red Headed Toilet Brush”

  5. The previous commenters have said it all. These lying commies on the left will never learn their lesson. The majority of the American citizens are not buying these lies and propaganda.

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