Jane Fonda created one nightmare for Kamala Harris she never saw coming

Actress Jane Fonda was one of the original radical left-wing celebrity activists.  She’s been swept up by Kamala-mania’s takeover of Hollywood.  And Jane Fonda created one nightmare for Kamala Harris she never saw coming.  Jane [...]


  1. One of better POLL QUESTIONS I’ve seen…
    Hanoi Jane needs to keep her distance from lying Stolen Valor Tampon Timmie Walz…
    Tampon Timmie Walz has promoted a life story of gaslight lies that have all now been proven to be TOTAL LIES!:
    1. Tampon says keep Govt out of people’s lives? “mind their own business”? Nope, Tampon created a Govt Snitch Line for neighbors to snitch to his Govt about neighbors!
    2. Coach Tampon? Nope, he was the unpaid Coach’s assistant, carried the water bottles
    3. Protect children? Nope, Tampon takes kids away from parents who try to prevent secret surgical mutilation of them!
    4. Tampon was “in war”? Nope, he went AWOL!
    5. Tampon retired a Command Sergeant Major? Nope, “Command” rank stripped from him for cowardice!
    6. Tampon’s common sense? Nope, ordered tampons into 4th grade boys’ restrooms!
    7. Tampon’s Kids Lunch Program? Turned into a GIANT $250Million EMBEZZLEMENT SCANDAL with 70 people indicted! Tampon has to respond to subpoena by 9/18/2024…
    8. Tampon for Law and Order? Nope, allowed BLM to burn Minnesota’s cities down! Refused help from Pres. Trump…
    9. Tampon only loves and is loyal to USA? Nope, 12 Red Books Communist Tampon made 30+ trips to Communist China paid for by China!
    10. Tampon/wife had kids by IVF? Nope, used a different procedure!
    11. Tampon didn’t have a DUI? Wrong, state police say he drove 96 MPH and blew well over the limit!
    12. Tampon was Nebraska Young Man of the Year? Nope, Chamber of Commerce wrote ‘stop telling that LIE’!
    13. Tampon isn’t a racist? Wrong, he produced a scholarship program that excluded all whites!
    14. and many more… (look up any you don’t believe!)
    (feel free to copy/paste the above anywhere)

    • Tim China spy traitor coward Walz and his crazy ass wife should be arrested for FARA violations they work for China not America.TRUMP2024

      • Tampon China ‘spy’/traitor Tim have betrayed this country multifold. I’m surprised US intelligent has not accumulated evidence to the effect. How he has managed to ‘snow’ US intelligence shows how clever he is. As for what he has done to 4th graders and untold multitudes of others mutilating children against parents knowledge/consent even kidnapping them for his own self-gratification, HOW IS THAT EVEN FEDERALLY LEGAL? Tampon Tim and Kamala will stop at nothing to destroy this nation, even more so than they already have in their respective states – TOTAL RUIN in both. Millions shutting down their businesses; moving out of state IF people can afford to. Meanwhile, both states cater to migrants/gangs, criminals who ‘walk’ scot-free, no consequences for their actions. How is that fulfilling the duties of their offices? State or federal?

        • Boy me to just simply can’t that women my husband was on a ship during Vietnam, my little brother was also in Vietnam and is suffering from agent orange has to go and get iron infusion and units of blood

        • I agree 100%. My generation will never forget how she ‘gave up’ prisoners to the Vietnamese when she visited.
          She is a reprehensible traitor to her fellow citizens and to America.

        • I’ve seen the photos of her during her visit to North Vietnam with her sitting in the gunner’s seat of an AA gun used to shoot down US aircraft. IF THAT ISN’T TREASON than what is?? She is colluding with an enemy that the US was at war with.

          That and her other anti-America activity was bad enough, but ask yourself this – WHY didn’t Henry publicly take her down for it???

        • Shes fought this crap for years,her old haggard butt is still living, what is she 80 now?

    • I’m a veteran AUS 1972-1974 Draftee, I know all about Hanoi Jane. This woman was sick then and is still sick today. How could anyone support The demonrat Hairass?

    • Tampon Timmy look like he was about to explode during the debate….They asked about his trip to China for communist books for children..Also some things illegal business adventures by the FBI.

    • With all we know about Walz and Kamala yet nothing gets done. The media just keeps propping them up like they’re super stars 🤬

  2. Harris is lying for sure and we all will pay the price. The Green New Deal has costs taxpayers BILLIONS and it does not work! Few facets, very few have been successful. There is a reason Harris isn’t bragging about it in her campaign.

  3. the hardest thing to watch is so many people not using their own critical minds and instead, buying into all the insane rhetoric like gullible sheep. I see so many people with their heads in the sand just living life without a clue. I try to start conversation to help people see but their phones and social media scrolling seem more important. So many foolish people on all fronts. Yikes! Wake up America! I wish I had Charlie Kirk’s Talent.

  4. Hanoi Jane better not come to my neighborhood because I’ll give her an earful. My husband and brother in law were in the Vietnam War and he absolutely hated her. We wouldn’t watch any of her movies ever. Figures that she’s all in with Cameltoe and Tampon China Walz.

    • I call these kind of democrates political prostitutes. We need to keep Biden out of Netanyahu business. That man knows what he is doing.

    • Same here….I, for sure will give her an earful also. My husband and I were engaged when he was sent to Vietnam. The toughest year of my entire life. I witnessed what “Hanoi Jane” did at the time, of course on the news. She made me physically ill. We never watched any of her movies after that. She still makes me physically ill. We all better pray hard for a Trump/Vance win.

      I agree that, Harris and I can think of a load of folks who need to be in prison, or shot for treason.

      • All over america they should be waking up right now. Biden and Harris they destroying our beautiful country.They destroying all the lives of the american people all over america.Biden and Harris are communist. China bought them already. Wake wake wake people!!! Before it’s to late. Vote for Trump and Vance. I dont care Jane Anaconda and Taylo Shit both are communist! We dont want them in our country. They dont belong here.

  5. As Christians, we are called to engage with the world around us, not retreat from it. While our ultimate citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20)

    and we are indeed “aliens and strangers” in this world (1 Peter 2:11),

    it does not mean we should leave governance solely to those outside our faith. We are commanded to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13–14), influencing every facet of our culture, including politics.
With the election approaching, it’s essential to allow Biblical principles to guide our decisions. To help with this, I’ve written a new resource—a 44-page digital booklet titled How a Christian

    Should Vote. This practical guide provides a Biblical framework for evaluating candidates based on their faith, policies, and views on key issues.

I explore four crucial questions to consider before casting your vote:
    1 Is the candidate a Christian?
    2 Do the candidate’s policies align with Biblical teachings?

    3 What is the candidate’s stance on Israel?
    4 Is the candidate effective in getting things done?

  6. I was in Vietnam from 1966-1967. After seeing what Jane did to aid the north’s attitude and strengthen their resolve, whoever she supports, I am against. This person, in my opinion, lengthened the war and caused military personnel to die. Till my dying day I will clearly state she is a traitor to the United States. She used her family name to escape any reprisals.

  7. Our country has an amazing founding document in the Constitution and with the bill of rights we as citizens are protected from the evil dictators. But can a citizen identify the evil tempting ideas of a dictator. The dictator wants to add more programs and laws. The other person just wants freedom for all.

  8. There’s a “no solicitors allowed” hanging on my door for a reason. They’re in for a surprise when they ring my doorbell.

  9. I no longer can have freedom of speech threw my replies to post. I have been band, that is because of what I have said about Kamala.

  10. Boy me to just simply can’t that women my husband was on a ship during Vietnam, my little brother was also in Vietnam and is suffering from agent orange has to go and get iron infusion and units of blood

    • Tampon Timmy look like he was about to explode during the debate….They asked about his trip to China for communist books for children..Also some things illegal business adventures by the FBI.

    • It’s good to know that at least one other person understands that you need fossil fuels to make electricity.

      How do people think electricity is made? It doesn’t “just happen”!

      • Are all democrats, fools and liars we should ship them all to china, Biden, Hairass, h Clinton, j Fonda, b Streisand and every idiot from the view! Biden was bought by communist china, paid by commies to destroy our America, he should live out his sorryass life in a cage! Send tampon Tim with this boatload of traitors! Vote TRUMP-VANCE 2024 to save America! Wake the hell up people!!

  11. Hanoi Jane should NEVER be believed. After all the BS she said and did during the Vietnam war she should have been tried and convicted for TREASON. The only reason she wasn’t was because of who her Dad was. If it’s possible to try her now we should do it NOW.

  12. Totally Agree, your all right! Wake up this is a government of the PEOPLE and we need to take it back before our freedom is all gone! I was a couple of numbers off from being drafted during Vietnam! Were the last generation not to be brainwashed!They want us dead! All the Communist criminals in the government must be tried and convicted for TREASON!!!

  13. Hanoi Jane was crazy back in the ’60’s, and now she’s totally “off the charts” insane. She’s 86 years old, now. Could she be senile, too?

  14. Jane Fonda is responsible for the death of many military American POW’s, by giving all the social security numbers she was secretly given to the North Vietnam communists. She is still known as “Hanoi Jane” and still despised for her stupidity. So giving her any money for more stupidity is a huge waste.

  15. Democrats are stupid. They do not use their heads to research and understand what the dems are all about. They don’t realize that their vote for Cackling Kamala is a vote for communism. They just think “I am democrat so I must vote democrat”.

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