James Comer destroyed a Trump impeachment manager for this scheme to upend the 2024 election

Democrats are already preparing contingency plans in the event the election doesn’t go their way. They’re preparing to pull out all the stops to install Kamala Harris in the White House by any means necessary. [...]


  1. Is this not a threat of treason? Raskin has skated on the edge of treachery many times, and he needs to be called out. He is not a valuable member of the House

  2. All these Democracy hating Individuals, Republican or Democrat need to go to Jail. We the people need to regain control of this country. Our children deserve the right to a safe environment to live like we had with opportunity for all.

    • Jail is too good for Dems. They should lose all their assets and be made to live on the street for a couple of years or longer.

  3. The democrats are all about taking control of everyone’s life in America they don’t care about the constitution the rule of law and certainly not the people. Someone needs to set things straight once and for all. Lock their sorry behinds up for treason and trying to overthrow a duly elected president. Enuf said

    • One reason I’ll never vote democrat again , they don’t give a dam about the American people it’s all about the power.

      • Try to remember we don’t have a democracy we have a represenative republic as written in the constitution ,That’s why we have the electoral collage. Democracy’s operate on a straight popular vote , if that were the case only New York and California would elect the president. Also Karmella isn’t egidgable to even hold the office because by definition she is not a natural born citizen because her parents weren’t citizens thy were both hear on Visa’s when she was born and according to the constitution she isn’t natural born as laid out by the constitution 1

  4. Raskin is a rat! He needs to be censored and removed from the house period. This kind of traitorous crap is what incited the riot on Jan 6.

  5. By now the whole world should know Democrats are liars, thieves and moneygrubbers. They claim to be against starting another World War but it looks to me like they are trying to get us involved in one. They will do anything to keep Trump and all other Republicans out of the white house and Congress.

  6. By now people should see the communist tactics the Democrats are using to run there office’s wake up America this is not what we the people deserve as a nation. It’s sick and UN AMERICAN!!!!!!!!

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