James Carville hung his head in shame while revealing the unbelievably shocking reason Democrats got the 2024 election so wrong

James Carville is known as one of the top Democrat political strategists of all-time. He is famous for coining the phrase “it’s the economy, stupid” in order to keep his campaigns focused on kitchen table [...]


  1. James Carville, your the nut case. You and the democrat made false statements about President Trump, you used the justice system to go after President Trump because you and the democrats are afraid of him. He has the truth on his side you have lies and evil on your side. Biden was mentally ill from day one. You knew it. You let Obama and top democrats run America into the ground. You don’t care about the American people you care about power. You destroy America’s energy, oil, rights and much more. You get the point. You sit there and lie! Biden embarrassing stage clown show was disgusting. The world leader like Biden because they could bully him. Now that President Trump is back they are acting like victims. England can go ahead and cut their ties with America. We don’t need you but will need America when Russia and China comes knocking on your door. The Muslims will take China and Russia sides. Your stupidity and thinking your better than America will get your country destroyed. Your being friends with the Clintons, Obamas, Soros is just one of the reasons you lost. Your egos are so big that you look down on the American people with hate. You love our taxes but you hate the workers. Every single person knows why you let in the illegals, voters, to keep to stay in power. Get a grip old man. You and the democrat will not be power for years to come.

    • In 2019, the LAST thing Carville wanted Democrats to look at was the fabulous TRUMP “ECONOMY” !!! Until Democrats had destroyed it with a false Plandemic… and Trump didn’t have enough political experience to realize he should have shut them/Fauci down!

    • Mr. Carbine is correct but Biden like economic policy will cause inflation and costs go up for average people.
      If you can convincingly push this narrative it becomes it’s the democrats, stupid?
      If the republicans screw up like the democrats than they’ll be vulnerable.
      With this debt and insane military budget it’ll happen again.
      The military is like a dog that constantly drinks excessive water and spends the whole day urinating.
      I watched it for 6 years. War is great, more weapons.

  2. Carville is only partly correct. The economy; the border; the crime; the two wars! Harris had to separate herself from Biden as far as possible so the public did NOT want the conditions to continue as they were. Too many failures by Biden. Great Harris comment on Carter saying “he left the presidency a better world than he found it. Biden did the exact opposite. Our country is in terrible shape compared to when he took over as POTUS.

  3. Like so many others of his ilk, this clown still lives in the past. They keep bringing back dinosaurs like this goofball Carville, Obama, Clinton, fake celebrities no one knows or cares about anymore. Denigrate Trump all you want, but his message reaches across the generations, unlike the lost, hateful Democrats and the media. The best thing is, they won’t learn a thing leading to more losses and disgrace in future elections. Hillary Clinton? The medal of freedom? Great choice there. It’s laughable and makes the medal meaningless.

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