Jack Smith was hit with one nasty curveball that left him mad as hell

Jack Smith made one final push to get Donald Trump before the election.  His scheme was thrown for a loop.  And Jack Smith was hit with one nasty curveball that left him mad as hell.  [...]


  1. Why are we still hearing about crooked Jack Smith. This should of been thrown out months ago. He is a very dishonest man.

    • Jack smith was never confirmed by congress wouldn’t you think he is committing fraud ?? But I believe whole heartedly that’s the way the democrats roll if you’re afraid you’ll lose why not do the usual cheat cheat. After all they should have been arrested for senior abuse on Biden but there crown would’ve fallen.

    • Smith is undoubtedly the worst player in this demented conspiracy to imprison president Trump. His collusion with Derrick Garland and the DOJ is so blatantly obvious. When Trump is elected his AG needs to go after him and a whole lot of others to put these people in prison for there treason against the country!

      • No, Fani Willis and Letitia James are equally as bad. They are all rabid creatures and charges need to be filed against them and Merrick Garland.

        • I so agree with you. I only hope they will get their turn in court and are prosecuted and imprisoned!!

        • Garland is probably behind it all … after he was stymied in his quest to be on the Supreme Court, he/Garland was on a crusade to get DJT.

      • That is precisely why the Dems are terrified of a Trump win. The DOJ, the FBI, the CIA are sshaking in their boots.

        • And what am afraid is the scenario that ended JFK’s presidency…God Almighty forbids…!!

        • His eyes have the same deranged look that is trade mark to the far-left extremists. Could it be in the mind-bending Kool-Aid?

      • the funny part is the judge is in on it by letting 180 page filing through. the time line for rebuttal is too short.

    • The only thing these indictments and filings do is confirm that the democrats is showing their own values of dishonesty.

  2. Jack Smith is a fraud. He has always been a fraud. Yes he should go to prison and was illegally appointed.

  3. Enough is enough. Smith is breaking the laws. He was not Constitutionally appointed. He cant bring a case within 90 days of an election but againe Smith ignores the law. Smith needs to be prosecuted.

  4. Jack Smith is the Heinrich Himmler of the Democrat Party. There is quite a parallel between the present day Democrat Left and the Nazi Party’s persecution of anyone and everyone that opposed them and against their tyranny. It appears that the heads of the agencies are coordinate their efforts to destroy Donald J. Trump. It appears that a number 2 operation is going to be needed st some point.

  5. R and D are meaningless. CATHOLICS have ruined the USA since 1956. Now the SCOTUS is CATHOLIC and doing treason to the US Constitution.
    You will never find the term ‘globalist’ nor ‘ lib’ nor ‘conserv’ in a voting booth. All are smoke words to confuse. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for corruption and failure forever. CATHOLIC is an international crime syndicate which calls itself a religion.

  6. This whole thing is a FRAUD! If there was an honest judge on the bench. Jack Smith would been in prison long ago! Merrick Garland and MAYORKAS are running the TWO BIGGEST CRIME OFFICE! Both deserve to EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD!

  7. This is what the democrats do. They are already cheating to win. The point is if they win we lose. America will never be the same again. The American dream will only exist for illegals and NOT American citizens. I pray every day for this country’s future 🙏.

  8. Smith is obviously just a slick weasel that bends the law to fit his needs. His appearance is equal to that of a dishonest secondhand car salesman. He is not smart enough to beat President Trump. He was appointed illegally by more trash. The Swamp surely need drained of this sort of subhuman life!

    • His looks already show how deshiveled he is and with his brain that’s been constantly coached by Biden, Harris, Garland and who knows with Hillary and Bill and the Cheneys obsessed to get Trump at ALL cost to stop Trump from winning back the WH…Those people are so evil that they’ve their civility…!!!

  9. That idiot smith doesn’t have the legal authority to do anything in the courts. Never was approved or appointed. He is just a freeloader that needs to be reminded things are not going to work his way.

  10. Election interference! It has been going on for eight years – that’s right eight ph_cking years. It’s time for the courts to rise up and say “enough”!

  11. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the book 1984 by George Orwell should be MANDATORY reading in high school as it was back in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. It details what the corruption in the government does to this once great country. The politicians, mostly Dems, believe they are entitled to everything this great country has to offer and us mere people should do all the work for them. Buy a copy of 1984 and read it.

  12. al’s comment about Catholics is not constructive criticism,more along the line of hate speech and off topic.

  13. Everything about Smith is questionable. He has been questioned about everything he has ever done his entire career. He should have had his law license revoked a long time ago. He is no better than an ambulance chaser. He is a snarky idiot who thinks he knows better than anyone.

  14. yes he thinks he is better than the LAW. He can file what ever he think is right no mater what the law really says

    • If not mistaken read he doesn’t have license in US. He is from Europe and doesn’t have jurisdiction is this country to practice law at all.

  15. I just read all of your remarks and agree with them all. Im so glad you all feel the same way I do. Keep it up.

  16. This is all consequences of putting a known Communist, Chicago Community organizer manufactured by a Communist domestic terrorist Bill Ayer’s, Obama is the culprit, “WE ARE GOING TO FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! You know, like what they did for my man-wife so I could be more Presidential.

  17. You stupid idiots voted for a known communist OBAMA, now you are reaping what you have sewn! Politicized DOJ, Politicized Banks, Politicized EPA, Politicized EVERYTHING, it’s called Communism!

  18. Adolf Hitler, came in to power and what did he do? He politicized the media, Politicized the military, Politicized the banks, politicized everything and indoctrinated the children! Adolf Hitler was reincarnated, he is now, OBAMA!

  19. Garland and Smith must immediately be Arrested and charged with High Treason and thrown in the very same prison with the January 6th inmates who should after they get to laugh at those 2 Morons are to immediately be released and all charges Dropped. Once the Committee has the proof they need then Biden all of them, Harris, Hillary and Obama both are to be found and Arrested and charged with High Treason. Then the real fun starts. The FBI is then to Issue Arrest Warren’s for Nancy,Chuck,Schiff,The Squad all of them and the rest of the Democrats who have sat by watching without doing or saying anything to stop it. Once they are all neatly locked away from Society where they can no longer harm the American people and their political enemies we go after Dr. Death Faccui himself and charge him with 5 million plus murders along with the Governor’s of several states who thought it was such a grand idea to stuff those with Covid into Senior Centers and Assisted Living Centers effectively killing everyone over 60 living in them. I’m sure a Few who get Areested will talk to save their own skin and lives and name even more who were and are involved.

  20. Look at what Robert said. He is 1,000,000 % right. Obummer started it all. Only person in history that has had THREE terms in office, and know attempting to get a FOURTH.

    • And Obummer divided this country years back so he his responsible for the division & separation of groups in this country. He wanted us to hate one another, Republicans are not ones to feel that way BUT, democrats are certainly the ones of hatred. You see it every dam day, we are so divided and he is the one that wanted this to happen, and is responsible for causing it.

  21. I read that Jack Smjth is not licensed to do law in United States. He did so in Europe so he is not a legal judge here so he should not be residing over any cases in our country legally.
    I wish I could remember just where I read that about 4 months ago and myself don’t know how to go about finding that article again.

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