Hillary Clinton gave Democrats one reality check about Joe Biden that left them sick

Democrats are facing their biggest political crisis in 50 years over Joe Biden’s candidacy. Now, one of the senior figures in the party is laying out the cold, hard facts.  And Hillary Clinton gave Democrats [...]


  1. Don’t give up God is with us. The Democrats party’s THE DEVILS CAN not win. The power of God IS IN CONTROL.

  2. The Democrats Power and Money hunger brought them to this .They deserve to loose after stealing elections,lying to their constituents and allowing an invasion of illegals and terrorists

  3. No matter who the demonrat candidate is, unless they cheat and steal, can beat Trump! They don’t have a good candidate, just more of the same we have had. People are sick of the Obama agenda, and will vote out all demonrats who follow it! GO MAGA!!!!!!

  4. The democrats have broken so many laws and they are tearing the hell out of the constitution to help their on . This should never be allowed. And the administration in office now should be in prison for being Traitors and for Treason against the United States of America and its people for allowing the biggest criminal illegals to enter our country more than millions the most biggest invasion ever in history. And if Harris gets in this illegal invasion will continue. We need a strong government we need Trump to get our country back.

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