Government bureaucrats are running scared after the Department of Government Efficiency began exposing sickening levels of waste

Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows that the United States government wastes a lot of taxpayer money. Whether it’s funding “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” or paying for prisoners’ sex changes, the needless waste [...]


  1. The waste includes the support of unnecessary agencies that duplicate other agencies. The waste includes government supporting regulations that destroy and hobble private property rights via REGULATIONS NEVEER ADOPTED BY CONGRESS. Devolution to parties not elected is a major problem that must stop. Among the worst of offenders is the USEPA.

  2. What the hell are we doing spending money and all the stuff Ron Paul showed us what is wrong with you people I’d like to know who made those decisions they don’t belong there

    • I think what happens is departments are awarded certain amounts of money. That money must all be spent or the agency/department loses it during the next funding period. Classic government USE IT OR LOSE IT.

      • Yes use it or lose it would be great however then there wouldn’t be anything left to kick back in order to get the job in the first place! All this b******* has to stop kicking back in order to get a job that is too lucrative and should be able to be done for half the price saving the taxpayer money but the government doesn’t God damn care about people tax money being wasted the only thing they care about is going after taxpayers that they think don’t pay their fair share, basically this is taxation without representation which is supposed to be a constitutional no no. However the bureaucrats don’t care as long as they have their hand in the cookie jar!

  3. The President needs Line Item veto power. That would get rid of foolish spending. Congress needs to pass LINE ITEM VETO asap.
    Every item in a spending bill should stand all alone for the up or down vote.

    • That’s what we have in Florida and have had for years. Hmmm . . . maybe that’s why we have a surplus each year and are able to afford to take care of the unique environment we have here.
      The other thing we have is that each bill is separate and stands on it’s own. No more needing a wheeled dolly to get the bill to Congress because it’s several thousand pages long! (Think affordable Care Act under Obama)
      Too many bills crammed together causes some good bills to not get passed because there are other bills that would be devastating to ordinary people. Our rule is One bill = one subject. Can’t have a farming bill mixed in with Big Pharma bills or education bills.

      • Vice versa is also true they stick bad bills with good bills in order to get the bad bills passed, which is crazy! I personally never vote for a bill that contains bad bills, but unfortunately particularly here in California people are convinced to vote for these bad bills in order to supposedly get good bills passed. Many times the good bills are killed after the bad bills passed that Rob taxpayers of their tax money and line the pockets of politicians and bureaucrats like our nuisance governor!

  4. Absolutely correct on cutting costs, reducing the National debt. Also helping Social Security recipients with less IRS taxes(SS at 85% of benefit for me).

  5. The Gutless Old Pussycat Party has repeatedly voted WITH the spendthrift Democrats for this century so far. Do why does anyone expect them to stop that now?

    I’ll believe this when and IF I see it actually happen.

    • Well I believe you are correct in your analysis of what has been happening for quite some time. Hopefully now that there’s a new sheriff in town and we have a republican majority in the Senate they won’t be so scared to vote correctly now. Cross your fingers and balls and all other parts that can be crossed in hope that things will change!

  6. This program is long past due! Government waste is so rampant that it is considered a joke among career politicians…..we need to get rid of BOTH!!

  7. I think it’s about time those bozo’s in DC are exposed to what they are doing with OUR money. I would like to know what scientific value there is in this stuff? Does any one have a report on the results of all this? Was any studies actually done here? I did not pay taxes all these years just to have some #%** idiot in congress waste it on stupid stuff like this.

  8. Look up whitecoatwaste. org- $2Billion being spent on cruel unnecessary animal experiments. hooking monkeys on MJ, etc, cat’s spines being broken, beagle’s heads in boxes to be eaten alive by fleas (they exposed the NIH funding/Fauci torturing beagles) there are more still going on! beagle puppies, kittens, baby monkeys etc. It’s sickening! (Be aware photos are disturbing). This wasteful spending/torturing animas has to be stopped. WCW is working hard- and need more eyes, help to get the word out. Please pass on to all you can to get this stopped. Thanks

  9. You do realize that all these b******* programs were just created to the line friends and their own pockets with taxpayers money, and then raise taxes so there’s more access to waste and line their pockets with!

  10. Wasteful spending is STEALING from every tax payer in this country. Their budgit is around 50% more than there taking in every year so they print more money to waste which causes inflation which is STEALING from every person in this country. It cost me $465 for one percription today. The most I have ever paid in the past is $350! My 800 dollar house insurance bill was $1900 this year most of the past years it was $800! But my Social Security went up $100 a month! Most of us are running out of money because of government waste. Plus the billions of dollars of foreign aid that are given to foreign countries!!! The country doesn’t have the money to pay it’s bills but gives billions away???? I don’t get it at all!!

  11. When I was a kid I remember story my mom would tell about how a government hammer would cost thousands of dollars but a regular Hammer was only a few dollars. The thing is they were exactly the same. The government just tells us that they’re spending more for this because it’s better when it’s not.

  12. When I was a kid I remember story my mom would tell about how a government hammer would cost thousands of dollars but a regular Hammer was only a few dollars. The thing is they were exactly the same. The government just tells us that they’re spending more for this because it’s better when it’s not.

  13. How did this country get so corrupt they all destroyed America. Every government official agency should be fired on the spot. Democrats and republicans Rinos need to be fired thrown out of office on day one. We need a complete new government to start over no special benefits no payment for life your just like any other person working in the USA. This fat bureaucracy has to end Americans are sick and tired of these corrupt politicians term limits no special treatments. Most of these people started these jobs and had no money and the all come out millionaires this is bullish-t corruption at its best. Every one of these people need to be investigated how and where the money came from.
    With all the money confiscated from their fraud could be used to drop our federal debit or build new prisons to hold all of them. How about that.

    • One thing I’ve always hated is either during the 80s or 90s ALL of them, Republicans and democrats, passed a law making them automatically get a pay increase every year so they didn’t have to vote for it! (Wouldn’t look good, you know, voting for a raise for them while their constituents were out of a job.) COWARDS! We need a Constitutional Amendment saying that if the people are doing poorly and the economy sucked, they don’t get ANY increase in pay! PLUS, have that same amendment say that they have to live under the laws they create. Also, ANY breaking of the law and they get 20 years with NO reduction in sentences! No mega generous insurance paid for by us. If they want it, THEY have to pay for it out of their own pockets!

  14. All these 3 letter departments all need to be fired on day one. All this dead wood needs to be terminated democrats disregard of taxpayers money spent on do nothing employees need to get out. We could cut our national deficit by getting rid of all these useless departments that do nothing but slow down America’s process and key productions.
    Fat government wastes taxpayers money not by millions or billions but now by trillions of taxpayers dollars..
    Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. Open the slaughtered house..

  15. It is grossly abusing for the government agencies to be spending our tax money in many disgusting ways.
    Think, many people in social security suffering, paying taxes on it 😡

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