George Stephanopoulos wants to go into hiding after Megyn Kelly carpet bombed his soul with this epic beatdown

The media has been a disgraceful failure during the Trump era.  Self-proclaimed “journalists” continue to expose themselves as political hacks.  And George Stephanopoulos wants to go into hiding after Megyn Kelly carpet bombed his soul [...]


  1. He’s not alone and the real scary thing is there are so many who believe
    his “stuff” without even thinking—a real problem the Republic has.

  2. The major portion of American media outlets all have tried, convicted and sentenced DJT through disinformation/misinformation, continuous lies, false allegations, etc..They are the ‘DOJ’ of the public courtroom. And the media can so defame someone as to destroy them, even if they do ‘retract’ their lies. JUST LIKE the current ‘mission’ to destroy Trump’s appointed Administration.

  3. Isn’t it amazing that so called well educated media could allow this type reporting. I know dimocrats in my family, who believe all they hear on corporate media. Of course these folk are not “well educated”, and only do surface listening. Research is not their strong suit. Glad old George got his just desserts!

  4. ABC “News” SHOULD fire Stephanopoulos————-BUT THEY CAN’T!!! Because to do so opens the “can of worms” door to their OWN egregious conduct——–and ongoing criminal and civil actions.

  5. he should be fired and Trump should sue the women of the view since they continued it on the view after his show. I was employee at Neiman Marcus/ Bergdorf Goodman from 1993-2013 20 years ago when when Carroll said she was assaulted in 1996 by Trump . She lied about the whole incident. If it happened our fraud department in Bergdorf Goodman store never had any written report of it and our fraud department in Neiman Marcus had no reports from New York police department either . If he was assaulted her in the dressing room in store security department would have gone in there and stopped it . So she lied about the incident. Bergdorf Goodman had two stores in New York a men’s store and women’s store across the street from each other . If it happened our credit department in Dallas Texas that would have been all over our office. So it didn’t happen and Trump should sue the view women they had a whole hour talking about it too.

  6. I use to have great respect for George, but he became such a prima dona and thought his crap didn’t stink. He was told several times NOT TO USE THE WORD RAPE, but being georgie porgie, he does what he wants and look at him now. He should be fired, this kind of media is not needed or wanted. However, the listeners by this time should know better than to believe everything they hear, do your research and you might be surprised how stupid you have been all these years.

  7. trump should sue the view. and george s. these women are all crazy. this program the view should definitly be canceled. the people that produce and direct the view shoulds also be sues by president donald j trump.these women are all crazy or very jealouse of president trump and melania trump.the view is the worse program on tv.

  8. ABC wants the public to believe that they are honest, nonpartisan reporters and they continuously hire hacks like Georgie S. There credibility is in the ground and they can never be trusted to get us the truth on anything. I don’t trust them to tell me that the sun will be shining tomorrow morning. That’s how bad they are.

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