Donald Trump’s eyes lit up when he saw where Chuck Schumer’s PAC just purchased over $1 million worth of ads

According to the RealClearPolitics national polling average Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by two points in popular vote polls. But the Presidential race will be decided by a handful of battleground states. That’s why [...]


  1. If the Democrats have that kind of money to throw around, why don’t they donate it to the hurrican victims, where it would do many people some good!

    • Totally agree. Because they don’t care about anything except winning any way they ca. So sad how this country became to be now. All they care how much money they can raise and spend on themselves.

  2. Democrats do not donate to charities. They love to spend other people’s money, but never their own. They have no heart. Their attitude? “Let someone else help the hurricane victims, I’m saving up to buy a Tesla. You’re stupid to give your money away, they wont get it anyway, it’ll end up in someone else’s pocket”. How greedy, how heartless.

  3. viewers are correct Why aren’t Democrats donating to Hurricaine relief Maybe they don’t care about victims, Only Democrats

  4. Democraps only think about themselves. They demand that their constituents donate money to help them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t want a percentage of what you make since most of them don’t go to church. I donate my money to help a lot of people but family is first. And if I have enough money I give to Republicans. But I have to be careful with my donations.

  5. We need a successful democracy through Republican congress and for the Trump-Vance Administration in the next term.

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