Donald Trump told reporters five words about John Fetterman that he will live to regret

Pennsylvania Democrat Senator John Fetterman has a history of supporting some of the most left-wing policies on the planet.   But Fetterman recently traveled to Mar-a-Lago to have dinner with President-elect Donald Trump.   And [...]


  1. Who thinks President Trump is ignorant of democrat actions. Remember President Trump said”he is a politician”. Think about it, Fetterman is a smart democrat, but respectfully Trump is smarter, IMO

  2. Watch your back, Mr President and your front and both sides, then above and underneath you. Trust not one Democrat who remains in that Party.

  3. I agree, President Trump needs to watch his back and not trust the democrats, THEY CAN’T BE TRUSTED !!!!! Fetterman is one of them. Fetterman even looks evil. I believe he is NOT trustworthy.

  4. There is an old saying—if his lips are moving, he/she is lying—said
    mainly about politicians, but applies too many who depend on voters or
    need donations for anything. Or said another way, wouldn’t trust him any
    farther than I could throw him/her.

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