Donald Trump dropped the gloves and went scorched earth after being accused of one despicable act

Democrat sycophants in the media are getting nervous with the Presidential race coming down to the wire. They’re pulling out all the stops to swing the election in Kamala Harris’ favor. But Donald Trump dropped [...]


  1. I believe Donald Trump will be in icon worldwide. I suspect he is the most famous person in this world. I think he has a great heart. He has flaws but he is the best President we ever had. I pray for his safety. I also thin he was ordained by God himself to serve this country, I am so proud of him.

  2. John Kelly should be thankful that he was not brought up on UCMJ charges of insubordination instead of just fired as he refused more than one lawful order from his commander in chief. he would have lost his rank ,pay and retirement and could have faced years in military prison where his former rank would mean nothing ( by the way military correction officers love giving officers the business and treating them just like a buck E1 )

  3. Go ahead and read what CNN,MSNBC,ABC, CBS, Listen to their words ot sounds like they all got the same MEMO and read all using same wording. Its all FAKE NEWS that the DEMOCRAPS are using the DEMOCRAPS will show you what Hitler is they are following his play book

  4. demorats are disgusting with there word about our president trump.he was the greatest president we had and will have again in 2024. these people that go after president trump saying disgracful things about trump make him stronger and more people in our country will vote for president trump in 2024.

  5. I a sense Generals like Kelly are acting like Hitler’s Generals. It was they who attempted an assassination on the Furher and this is an attempted verbal assassination. One should look at Kelly’s investments and boards he’s sitting on in the Military Industrial Complex, and this is where most of these retired Generals end up. They’re part of the Status Quo and the DC swamp.

  6. Dems are grabbing at anything because they are losing we the people put are trust in the hands of Donald Trump he made American great once he will do it again. We are for him all the way.We support him. He is a winner.

  7. This country needs Trump back in office. We need to fix what was undone and the mess that was made. They have made a mess of our Country!

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