Donald Trump announced one surprise event that has his supporters over the moon

On Election Day, Donald Trump pulled off one of the most remarkable political comebacks in modern political history.  Never before has a prominent political figure weathered so many legal attacks and attempted assassinations. And Donald [...]


  1. Looking forward to seeing the illegals get sent back. I know it’s going to take time but I look forward to getting money back in my savings account.

  2. Remarkable, the evil Dems thru everything they could at this Superman Donald J. Trump, it all backfired on them. Donald J. Trump MAGA must truly Love his country like the silent Americans do, and those silent MAGA voters sure showed the evil Dems who they prefer to run our great country. Just think how many $$$$$$$$$$$ were wasted by Biden-Harris, that should have been invested in Our Great Country. Outrageous !!!

  3. RINO is CATHOLIC. NO CATHOLIC is an American. Just remember that Biden, Pelosi, Newsom, and a third of all ‘elected’ are not Americans, they are CATHOLIC TRAITORS.

  4. I pray for him every day. I am so proud of the way he has handled himself against the selfish. self serving democrats, with a small d. I pray that all of his accusers and left wing media get exposed.

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