Dollar General’s CEO made one confession that is bad news for Kamala Harris

Dollar General has become one of the most popular retailers in the country for its convenience and low costs. The company is revealing something troubling about the state of the country.  And Dollar General’s CEO [...]


  1. If Kamala Harris is the best the Demwits can come up with, they are in deep trouble. She couldn’t even handle the one assignment of being Border Zar! Now she wants to run the entire country? Surely the voters can see her for what she really is, Runing the entire Country!
    Her own Father says she is EVIL. Now that is pretty bad!!!

    • It’s the biggest conspiracy to deceive the greatest nation in the world. And she and ‘tampon tim’ will not stop at anything to win. World domination by Democrats/Chinese, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the other Left-wing nations of this crazy world.

  2. i am so tired of all the hip for Kamala from the press and the polls saying she is leading in the race it is a sad state of affairs that people cant see how she is pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes with her talk all she wants is to be elected and then watch how she will change and the country will be in trouble

    • The Democrat economy will collapse under Harris, millions more jobs will be lost, millions will file for bankruptcy as they lose their and can’t pay their debits, American culture will pass on and the Woke factor will take over.

  3. It is disgusting that out of 345 million people Kamala Harris iw running as a candidate for President. The lights are on but nobody is home wrt Kamala.

  4. Nearly everyone knows exactly how she reached her lofty position, if you vote for her you’re gonna get what you voted for.

  5. They will probably have the voting machines set to flip votes again. They aren’t suppose to be on the internet before counting is over but they are hooked up to the internet to start with

  6. The economy is NOT favorable to We the Little People at all. But the Auto(D) voters are still supporting the Democrat/Communists because they REFUSE TO SEE WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING and are instead waiting for all of that promised FREE STUFF. Free Stuff that the Democrats are instead GIVING TO CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!

    You can look back in history and forgive the Russian and Chinese People for supporting the Communists and helping them take over the Russian and Chinese Empires. They knew ONLY what the Communists were telling them. They did NOT know the whole story, there were no honest news services to do that.

    The Auto(D) Democrats here SHOULD know the whole story because it is available for all to see but simply refuse to look!

    Yup, what a gullible people they are that believe that all that Stuff they’re promised is FREE!

  7. Kamala Harris is probably the most unlikable person ever in the history of the United States to run for president. I don’t care if she is a democrat there is no way in hell that I would vote for her.

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