Divorcing J-Lo for a second time is no longer Ben Affleck’s biggest concern after his woke extremist daughter just embarrassed their entire bloodline

The fact that woke Hollywood elites are completely detached from reality is not a new phenomenon. But more than ever, they are raising children who are deranged and delusional beyond compare. And now divorcing J-Lo [...]


  1. Its the totally misinformed who thinks their opinions matter to other people. Hollywood is full of the misinformed. Its better to keep your mouth closed so people may think you’re a fool than opening your mouth and proving that you are.

  2. Maybe Violet should have listened in her Biology 101 class rather than woke ideology and Fauci type extremists who only want to control. Masks do NOT work. Virus’s still penetrate them. Next, she will be insisting everyone wear diapers instead of the toilet so feces won’t permeate our waterways. It’s never ending with these uniformed, over pampered children. Sorry Jennifer and Ben…you bear some culpability….

  3. Violet, you appear to be a young woman who has an interest in understanding the dynamics of the complicated world we live in. We all experience pressures to believe this or that explanation of what is the actual truth about the mysteries that surround us. Sometimes the answers are easy but more often they are so complicated that we need to take advantage of all the efforts of our fellow humans who have made progress is their search for similar understanding, To aid you in your personal search truth, I suggest you read about the factual findings obtained by Dr. Ana Maria Milhalcia. I believe she is located in the Seattle area. She has photographed some amazing things in the blood of humans and animals that explain the origin of what is disrupting our lives today. Thank you for your interest in the truth. Your curiosity is a blessing. Travis and Luz Ogle

  4. Violet, you were raised in luxury and affluence and have never worked in the real world. A false reality that does not look or understand FACTS has distorted your thought processes. Get away from the HOLLYWOOD fantasy culture and go live in the REAL world and make a living for yourself without your parent’s riches

  5. Wear your mask if you so desire, Violet. Have you heard anything about research for a cure for the acute and often debilitating long covid? Go to work on promoting that, Violet. Be useful. How anyone can orchestrate a program that infects and kills millions by developing and releasing a biological warfare agent – with no consequences – defeats me. How about promoting help and support for the long term covid survivors?

  6. It’s disheartening that the leftist elitist celebs’ kids are so damn unimaginative, so unintellectual, and so unable to think for themselves. While I have raised my two children, now adults, inculcating my values (lifelong convictions regarding the sanctity of human life, for one), I also encouraged them to think for themselves and to not be followers! Neither of my children have become followers, although only one thinks very similarly to me on almost all issues. Far too many young people today, Gen X, Z, millennials, whatever they are categorized as, take the path of least resistance so they can ‘fit in’. Thus, they dropped to their knees for felon Floyd in 2020, admitting to collective guilt for the “systemic racism” narrative. They donned their faces with masks in full sheep compliance. They parrot the same leftist verbiage without analyzing issues or events as reported. Now many of them (Paris Hilton, Ireland Baldwin, Jennifer Grey) open claim to be ‘proud’ of their abortions, self-absorbed, and pro-claiming “I chose ME!”, etc. The lack of self awareness, the self importance, the shamelessness, and the narcissism is beyond shocking. Leftist self loving parents are creating mirror images of themselves.

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