Democrats were speechless when they were told to learn this lesson from Donald Trump

Democrats are used to opposing everything that Donald Trump does.  The results of the election are causing some to rethink things.  And Democrats were speechless when they were told to learn this lesson from Donald [...]


  1. I truly believe DJT will try to do everything he said he wants to do but with the democrats so hateful and wanting constant power some of those things may not be easy to do, but I am Praying for the best he can do with what he has to face. Not just democrats but RINO’s as well.

    • 1. Contrary to article, Trump does want what he says to make sense… he’s not Jokementia…
      2. Trump hater Robert DeNiro paid Trump the Highest Compliment: “Trump WILL DO what he says he will do” !!!

  2. Trump will fullfil all of his promises UNLESS the deomocrats circle the wagons and block him….And the American people are watching. I will tell you that if the dems. do that it will come home to haunt them

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