Democrats hit the panic button after pop star Lizzo slipped up and revealed what America would look like under Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’ campaign is in crisis mode. She tried turning to some of America’s biggest stars to help save her failing campaign. But Democrats hit the panic button after pop star Lizzo slipped up and [...]


  1. Just goes to show that Cackling Commie’s supporters are just not very intelligent. Of course, neither is the Cackler. Some of the dumbest comments I’ve heard.

    • You mean the Cacklin’ Commies that support and vote for duh “Camel toe” Harris? If so they have camel crap for brains.

  2. If “Horizontal Harris” gets in, the whole country will resemble Kaliforniacatia. This would be even WORSE than D-Troit !

  3. So, what’s the fuss? She was being absolutely honest. The DemoCommies are working to destroy the entire country and turn it into a crime ridden, impoverished cesspool just like Detroit.

  4. I was in Detroit right after the “Detroit riots” decades ago. It was so bad the hotel doorman cautioned us “do not walk anywhere, please take a cab”. Detroit hasn’t even fully recovered from those riots. There were bombed out buildings then and some are still there. T company that I worked for closed their Detroit HQ and moved to Farminton. How many other cities controlled by liberals are like Detroit ??

  5. The outcome of Progressive policies have been so predictable (and so well predicted) that they cannot have been an accident. They are making things the way they want them. Like Detroit. And, according to King Joe, they take pride in what they’ve accomplished.

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