Democrats got some bad news about Kamala Harris that put them in this awful situation

The Democrat Party is in crisis over what to do about Joe Biden as their Presidential nominee. Now they’re looking for alternatives that could bail them.  And Democrats got some bad news about Kamala Harris [...]


  1. Cackala Airhead Will?
    Be squashed like an ant if she runs for President.
    Of the united stit’s. She’s more ignorant than a box of rocks.

    • You’ve got that right.. she would absolutely scare me and others in the presidential chair holding that red button…
      No but hell no

    • very true they are all corrupt all they want to do is destroy our country and freedoms and put are children in danger

  2. Cackala Airhead Will
    Be squashed like an ant if she runs for President.
    Of the United States. She’s more ignorant than a box of rocks.

  3. Maybe that is what we need to finally beat these psychos out of office. Baby boomers are the largest generation and many of them trust Biden, but despise Harris. If she replaces Biden, Trump will surely win.However, I wouldn’t want her to be pushed into place by pulling the 25th Amendment on Biden and then create some pandemic that will stall election day and keep these jerks in power. This whole thing is a double edged sword unfortunately.

    • They’re already working on that! When they wrote about Biden’s covid they made it a point to say that 33.3% of the US was suffering from a new variant! Right on time! Millions of mail-in ballots that will ” coincidentally ” all be for the dem!!

  4. Kamala Harris is the worst choice Democrats can ever make. Democrats have Hundreds of better choice. I was so surprised when Joe Biden chose her as his running mate.

    • Harris could sell her signature knee pad brand that got her into politics for a side biz. What a waste of space!

  5. People are looking at the PERSON, It is the “POLICY” of the democrats that is KILLING AMERICA’S.

  6. Demonrats are anti-Constitution, anti-family anti-Jesus, anti-biblical morals & American values, divisive, money&power-hungry, hateful, deceitful & racist. They prioritize abortions w/o limits, lgbtqxyz influencing children & society, massive # of illegals, funding endless wars! They’re assisting in the intentional destruction of America’s security, economy, & sovereignty! They’ve obviously sold out America & the people to globalists’ inhumane & genocidal plans to depopulate the earth & form a one world govt aka their New World Order agenda!

    • Wow you are So Right !!! There is No way You CanBe A Democrat And Be A Christian !!!!! SO STOP THAT LIE RIGHT THERE WHILE YOU HAVE A CHOICE !!! NOW THINK ABOUT THAT !!! SUSAN YOUR SAYING IT AND IM HERE TO TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU !!!🎉🙏🇺🇸🎉🙏🇺🇸🎉🙏🇺🇸 My Prayers are for You to Never Give In Your Strong Belief YouARE SPOT ON 🎉🙏🇺🇸BLESS YOU !!!!

  7. Democrats have backed themselves into a wall with Biden but have a worse situation with Kamala. Our country would be the laughing stock of the World with her as President.
    We have to have Pres. Trump in office as we already know he is God’s choice.

    • They are getting everything they deserve. They gaslighted everyone about Biden, even accusing the Republicans and Conservatives of ” deep fakes “. THEN the debate, and they were ALL busted. I have absolutely not one penny’s worth of sympathy for any of them. Karma can be so satisfying! You reap what you sew.

  8. “Democrats have options in the Presidential race, but none of them are actually any good.”

    That is because there isn’t any dim politians that are worth the air they breath.

  9. Just wondering if there’s a Kennedy available for the Democrats. The name alone surpasses Kamala. I’d hate to send another Kennedy to his death but if there was one who wanted the position it might be a great option.

  10. Leave Joe in he is the better candidate at this late time. Alan Licthman who has predicted the winners in the Presidential races since 1980’s says Biden will win. Look it up.

    • Only if his mail in votes flood the alternate receiving boxes placed by democrats – anyone with a brain knows Trump won in 2020

  11. Democrats have three dictators ready to take over for the dictator Biden. Newsome, Whitmer and big mike Obama. These three would completely destroy America. They are the worse. They lockdown people not for covid because they wanted to. They destroyed the children in America by dumbing them down to believe 2+2=5. They told them to hate freedom for all and America. But some seniors love Biden because they are just as stupid as the young people. They think this is JFK party. It’s not. These democrats hate the American people. JFK loved the people and was trying to get rid of these unamerican justice system who were hurting people. So the democrats and justice system had to get rid of JFK and they did the same to this son. Now they are trying to kill President Trump because he is going to stop them from destroying America. But too many people have been brainwashed by the nazi news outlets. They are just as insane as Biden. No one I know is voting for a democrat. They have destroyed my state and my country with fraud,cheating and greed. Never will vote for a democrat. They are dangerous to the survival of America.

    • Well you so elequently hit the nailon the head! I agree with you 100%. The Dems have crippled this Country and will destroy it for sure if not stopped! By the way, they finally got Biden to bow out and endorse the cacklin’ witch herself, Kamala! May GOD help us!!

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