Democrats are in total meltdown after Tim Walz completely imploded on live TV
Tim Walz was a nobody in Democrat politics just a month ago. Now we know why Democrats were hiding Walz from the public’s eye. And Democrats are in total meltdown after Tim Walz completely imploded [...]
So you don’t let us read the article
Waltz doesn’t lie as much as Harris. He hasn’t been in public eye as long.
Stolen valor. Nothing worse.
why afraid of thr truth about democrats?
So Walz melted down in a public situation, and so, what else you got that’s not being released in this informationless article. Or, is this vague headline all that you actually have? We get enough of this type of reporting from the Democratic News Services!
Where is the article? Someone goofed up.
Where’s the article?
The clincher was that his “bad grammar” made him lie about stolen valor! Stupid is as stupid does!
One of the Democrats facts is, “choose as a running mate for a useless President, someone who would screw shit up even worse if the president got impeached”. THEN the Democrats ran that moron as the next president, and have to pick someone even worse as a running mate. Just recent history shows that to a T. Obama, who was NOT FOR America, chose Biden, who had never done anything FOR America either. Then the Dems installed Biden who chose Kamala as his VP, who is even worse that Biden, to keep HIM from being impeached. Now they are running Kamala, who isn’t qualified to run a girl scout cookie sale, with Walz, who isn’t qualified to be a dog walker as VP. Who’s the next Democratic VP candidate? Alfred E Newman?
Way to go. I like your style
How about Rep. Hank Johnson from Georgia. He’s the one who was afraid we might tip over Guam by putting too many troops there. He is at least as stupid as Kamalala.
It’s, easy to see why 90% of the dems are Manchurian candidates.. They are unbelievably STUPID!
Kamalala is right on.
You are spot on!!!
Chuck B
Nail on the head!
Love everything you just said. Well said
Funny, but sadly accurate. Thanks for the read.
Couldn’t have said it better
Absolutely right on!
I think ChuckB, you have hit the Nail right on its Head.
Couldn’t have said it better… except to add that their stupidity
+ malevolence
= Demonic rat infested party now.
Truly scary stuff if they are allowed to steal yet another election because America would be DOOMED!!
The caliber of the running mate represents the caliber of the candidates!
No one lies more than Kamala, it’s the singular thing she does best.
Apparently there is some things she does better! How you think is she is where she is?
John………right on. comment
So after submitting the answer to your question at the end of this BS article, where is the reults of the poll? TYPICAL Dumbocratic CRA# !
We had to put up with Jill being Joe’s cheerleader and now
If the DEMONrats can’t lie, they have nothing valid to say! The mentor of Harris and walz is Obama, the biggest liar of all! And, HE is running Harris’s campaign! How convenient! He “ installed” Biden, when his usefulness was gone, Obama, Piglosi and screwmer ousted him, then commielala was “ installed” as their candidate! Obama is working double time to rig the election AGAIN! He rigged his two, and biden’s, now it is commielala’s turn to be installed! We can’t let that happen! We must vote MAGA all the way, get the demons out of our government, or lose our country forever!
I totally agree
I saw the news that said all of Walz family are going to vote for Trump, they even had on Trump tee shirts. Everybody nationwide needs to see that. The Democrats want everything electric, why don’t they start with the border wall, and they want term limits for supreme court judges, then we need term limits for all senators and house reps.
No Communists are needed in the United States of America. Harris and Waltz are both
Communists with history. US Military Veteran and Patriot Los Angeles
Communist candidates are encouraged to lie if the lie helps get them elected. The end justifies the means in communism. The American people need only to view the past of Harris/Walz to see what they really represent. The hammer and sickle are at home on the sleeves of Harris and Walz.
We have been listening to Kalamity Harrisses lies for 3 1/2 years,
but given a little more time I’m sure Tiny Tim Awalz will catch up !!!
even if he does not lie more than Kamala but he gets cough more than she does because he will not adamite his mistakes
Both are liars, but i believe Harris is a biggest liar !
Walz has a lot of catching up to do to lie more than Kamala, but he is trying his best and is catching up fast.