Democrats are groaning after Joe Biden gave them this wrong message for 2024

Joe Biden is dealing with the biggest crisis of his political career after his botched debate. Now he’s trying to rally wavering Democrats behind his campaign.  And Democrats are groaning after Joe Biden gave them [...]


  1. Citizens with an IQ above room temp, if that, know JOEY IS Senile, with dementia, & incompetent as well as his staff & people surrounding him. Try to blame a cold, jet lag, etc. for his debate disaster. A POTUS who knew what he was doing would not need a team of advisers to prepare him for a debate. He should have been able to defend his policies without preparation! The guy is a failed POTUS & the worst guy to ever occupy Our House without a doubt!

  2. Lady Macbeth, despite the strenuous endeavors of herself, the Thane of Cawdor and their appointed myrmidons, failed to get Duncan killed. It’s all her fault and Birnam Wood is on the move.

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