Democrats are going all-in on this last-ditch effort to put Donald Trump in prison before Inauguration Day

Both Democrats and many of his supporters believed that Donald Trump’s upcoming second inauguration would never actually happen.    But much to Democrats’ chagrin their efforts to torpedo his incoming administration have been for naught. [...]


  1. The whole thing was a bullshit scam pushed by lawfare. The demented President started it by telling his DoJ to put Trump in jail because he was afraid of him. To be sure he went after anyone else, Fanny and Fat ass Bragg and I’ll do anything to get money James, to help him. The American people know the truth and threw it back in his face. They are all corrupt people who are evil and should be in jail for life.

  2. THESE DemocRATS AND THEIR PARTY ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH, THIS PARTY SHOULD BE DISSOLVED, ONCE AND FOR ALL. IT IS NOTHING MORE THAN A PARTY OF LIERS CHEATS AND TRAITORS TO AMERICA. Yes you will find a few of these democrats that are good people, but I feel there are not meany that will check that box.

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