Democrats are caught between a rock and a hard place over this shocking news about Hillary Clinton

Democrats are dealing with their biggest political crisis in decades, with Joe Biden’s Presidency hanging by a thread. Now they’re trying to figure out how to get things back on track before November. And Democrats [...]


      • We’ll never do better with another DEMONrat, no matter which one. They all have the same anti-American agenda.

        • She’s as crooked as they get. Would sell her own grandkids. Democrats are mostly interested in how wealthy or powerful they get.

        • Yes, it isn’t the person that’s the problem. It is the party and their anti-America communist goals, they’re foreign agents which means each one is a traitor. This is the truth that must be put out to every American citizen because being ignorant of this fact will only have them vote for America’s demise.

        • They all hate America and anyone who disagrees with their radical agenda to destroy it.

        • True they are all comics and wants more cash to retire on how much is enough democrats,

    • And she’s killed 26 people and skinned the face of some others to make a mask I suppose. This is the height of ignorance and stupid gossip. Why don’t you run for government positions? I think your ego will come down a notch or two. There a rule about being kind to politicians.

  1. Joe Manchin has called himself a “centrist, moderate, conservative Democrat” and is generally deemed the most centrist member of the Senate Democratic caucus.
    If the Dems were smart, they would consider Joe, who will pull a lot of votes from those in the middle, which is half the population of the US.

  2. I can’t believe that America is back at the possibility of this demonic has-been for the communist Democrat Party candidate!!! She wasn’t well liked and I believe it was a lie that she won the popular vote. If she’s it, she’ll demand they steal this election for her in a grandiose way so America will be no more and we’ll all be living in a prison. This is how desperate they are because they don’t have an American message!

  3. I fear for the Democratic Party is the only choice they can come up with is Hillary Clinton. A crooked woman who has a talent for getting great jobs and not doing anything worthwhile with them. OR an old man who’s ego is the only thing working.

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