Democrat voters revealed who they truly are at their core in this bone-chilling poll

It’s often difficult for most working-class Americans to comprehend Democrats’ justifications for supporting many of their most extreme, deranged, and unhinged left-wing policies. But that’s what happens when good people try to make sense of [...]


  1. I can believe that the poll is true. I see so much hatred from the leftist’s that it saddens me. The media and Biden himself have encouraged violence against us for years. These are the same people who want to disarm us and leave us open to their violence!! Remember that!

    • All conservatives need to make them pay. Higbee is exposing them all on his program to get them to lose their jobs. They deserve it.
      If the business does not fire them, it is our duty to never support said business

  2. Democrats = demonic. Would love to know after 4 years of a Trump presidency, what did he do to threaten democracy? Low inflation, low interest, no new wars, lower taxes – what’s the problem?

    • actually the government of the United States is a Constitutional Republic. if you read the constitution you will realize that it is based in rational statements that promote freedom for all individuals, freedom to achieve what they want to in their lives by their own efforts and not at the expense of their neighbors. Democracy can and often does lead to mob rule. trump started to lead the government back to the constitutional republic. NOW the elites DON’T dare have him in the Presidents Chair because NOW he knows where he wants this nation to go and the route to get there! BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The evil we see today re Fundamentally change America sold to brainless Democrat voters 2007 and implemented Jan.20 2009 by Barack Hussein Obama.The dismantling began on day one Jan.20th by resurrecting Racism.Trump upset their agenda and also opened peoples eyes to the crimes against America and it’s citizens.Thence the lawfare by Democrats,a hate filled DOJ and a mental defective Ol’Joe.Kamala is useless,but pure evil

  4. I hope that Trump is a “threat to democracy”. We are a republic, not a “democracy” and I want to keep it that way.

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the REPUBLIC for which it stands.

    • Thank you Herb; I have been proclaiming the same thing for years now.
      Conservatives will not win this war against the left until we finally grasp and loudly proclaim that AMERICA IS A REPUBLIC!!!
      Every time a stupid ‘conservative’ talk show host refer to America as a democracy I am sure thousands of liberals clap their hands and congratulate themselves for deceiving WE THE PEOPLE!!!

  5. We have to unite and throw out all liberal politicians holding office.
    Representatives, Governers, and senators must go.
    We need to get trump in office again and give him both houses.

    • ABSOLUTELY, YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD.I pray President Trump gets this next chance, with evil intentions from the liberal idiots and leftist are unfriggin BELIEVABLE.

  6. “Democrat voters revealed who they truly are at their core in this bone-chilling poll.”

    “revealed”? DemoRats have been shoving their evil in our faces for years.

  7. It’s sad to see the evil that is before our eyes and knowing that the woke, liberal, democrats are the ones doing it. God must be ashamed of us, but I know he will NOT let this evil reign and he will help us to overcome what can happen if Trump gets cheated out of this run like last time.

  8. The Democrats have shown their colors since the assassination attempt.They are pure unadultered Evil that’s violent and in many ways unhuman.All I wish is that all their Predatory animal traits catches up with them,which it will.

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