CNN’s John King said five words about the Presidential race that Joe Biden refuses to accept

A recent Associated Press poll indicated that over two-thirds of Democrats want Joe Biden to drop out of the race. Polls also show Donald Trump leading in all seven swing states. And CNN’s John King [...]


  1. The man cannot make a speech without reading it off screen and then sometimes he does not get it right. the man needs to get out of the race he is too old and has a mental problem

  2. I love Jimmy Fallon’s take on it:

    “On the bright side… it’s the first positive news he’s had in months,” Fallon quipped of the medical developments. “Biden has COVID. Luckily he can’t spread it because Democrats have been distancing themselves from him since the debate.”

  3. In what sane world do we allow someone with dementia to remain in power? And being stuck with someone who is a bonified lunatic for backup? Do voters not have a voice in this? We have to rely on the lunatic and remaining administration to do the right thing for the country by invoking the 25th Amendment? Where is the national cry for Amendment 25 NOW?

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