CNN’s Jim Acosta proved that every accusation is a confession with these six words about Donald Trump

Trust in the media is at an all-time low.   According to Gallup, the media is now the least-trusted civic and political institution in the country.   And CNN’s Jim Acosta proved that every accusation [...]


  1. Trump should apologize for mislabeling the murderer an ILLEGAL before more info was known about him… However, Trump was correct in that the ISIS/Islam brain washing motivation for the murdering was imported from the Middle East… didn’t originate in the USA/Constitution…

  2. We all know CNN will not call out the democrats party. Trump said the attack was done by an illegal immigrants. But if you knew he was an former Army man. But has CONVERT TO MUSLIM WAY. Which was ISIS. There are lot of young Americans doing the same thing. But so are those in government positions! Remember THE CIA DIRECTOR, HILLARY, AND OTHER DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS CONVERT TO MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD OR SISTERHOOD! So yes, we have politicians who HAVE BECOME ENEMIES OF AMERICA WAY OF LIFE! EVEN OBAMA WAS A MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Acosta, just won’t tell the truth. He pay by democrats donor to push lies for them. Without calling out the democrats party!

  3. When you ask a question like that, ask which legacy media hosts are considered least trustworthy. But you never do. You generalize, but your legacy hosts names and attack people, but they cannot take attacks on themselves.
    Acosta is one of the worst and you legacy media allow him to denegrate people who do not believe in your way of thinking.

    • One of the funniest moments in history was when Trump called Jim Acosta “FAKE NEWS” right TO HIS LYING FACE! A quick search will pull up NEWS VIDEOS of that on youtube!

  4. Acosta is nothing more than a Democrat Party propagandist who pretends to be a reporter. No truer words have been spoken.

  5. Acosta is being relegated to the midnight lineup. He can’t be trusted to tell the truth about anything. Along with anyone on CNN. I don’t think they, MSNBC or CBS, ABC OR NBC will be around doing any kind of world news. Local news is what they will be relegated to. If they can handle that.

  6. Oddly enough the MSM just can’t come to make themselves believe that they are now pretty much irrelevant to the majority of the public. I don’t watch any networks “alleged news offerings” because they are all pure leftist propaganda in the same vane as late night comedy is no longer funny. Maybe it is time that the FCC start investigating the content if the MSM for crimes against the America people. Their original agreement with government was to present the actual news without ommission or fabrication. Their opinion pieces presented as “breaking news” all belong on the “editorials page” where people know it is really just the companies opinions and not based on fact. Josef Goebbels would be proud of the MSM.

  7. Local news can’t even tell the truth. They side with democrats even when they see the destruction the democrats have done. Don’t watch any news outlets. Can’t trust them. If people had done their own research Obama would if never been elected. But the world knows most Americans are lazy and stupid. When the government took over the education of America they made people stupid. Just look at youth of today. They don’t know constitution or how to write their names. Stupidity is every where. The news outlets count on stupidity to keep them in business.

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