CNN is making one monumental change that will have its left-wing readers in tears

These days people have a vast array of options to choose from when it comes to where they read the news. That’s forcing some major changes within the so-called “mainstream” media that aren’t sitting well [...]


  1. Why would I even consider paying anything to CNN. Their bas in delivering the news is so obvious that the employees of this company should be embarrassed that they only report the news the way the owners of CNN want instead of having the American freedom to deliver the news in a balanced way of just stating proven facts and let the reader decide themselves.

    • Can you imagine the cheap liberals actually paying for their propaganda when they are used to getting lied to for free?

    • All the LameStreamMisleadia learning Go Woke, Go Broke, Democrat Welfare junkies expect everything free… Maybe the Democrats will authorize Welfare for the FAKE NEWS?

  2. Article got it right when it said its democratic readers will be mad. Nobody (with an ounce of integrity) else reads/watches their lies.

  3. CNN- aka Clinton or Communist News Network is such a pathetic excuse for a news media that they should PAY customers to read their trash!!

  4. Not a chance. At one time CNN was king and could have whatever bias they wished to hide.
    Now people can find factual news of the day plus news that is presented and caters to their views.

  5. Not a chance. At one time CNN was king and could have whatever bias they wished to hide.
    Now people can find factual news of the day plus news that is presented and caters to their views.

  6. If it is a genuine NEWS organization all I want is the 5 “W”s of genuine journalism – Who, What, When, Where and Why. And I want the Why specified as an editorial. CNN hasn’t been that since so long ago I can’t remember.

    Unfortunately FOX has joined the Left now leaving very few genuine Journalistic news sources.

    I MISS journalism from the long ago days of “Goodnight, Chet. Goodnight, David.”. When the news was the news and the editorials were openly called editorials!

    The Communists, in taking the US over from the inside, are seizing our information and education and the US reflects that today! JUST LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD 70 YEARS AGO!!

    • FNC has not joined the left wing. All one has to do is watch one day of news broadcasts on FOX’s The Five, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, Greg Gutfeld, The Late News and others during the day to know what Tom Wilde claims is crapola.

      • I’m civilized enough to disagree with an individual without launching a juvenile personal attack on or name call. I leave that kind of thing up to you closet Lefties.

        FOX is drifting to the Left little by little. Yes, I DO go to FOX frequently but I am aware of the changes.

        At on time CNN was a genuine journalistic service and look where they are today.

    • I, too, miss Chet and David, and the best of the best, Walter Cronkite. I grew up watching the 3 networks report on the Vietnam War. Every night, we got news on where the major battles were, how meant casualties, and how many dead. It was straight up news with honest and sometimes brutal photos. When someone had an opinion to express, it was labeled as editorial or an opinion piece. It was a simpler time, and we didn’t have politically polarized news organizations. Once Watergate happened, the news started to shift to news mixed with editorial with no warning. Edward R Murrow would be shocked to see what became of news reporting.

  7. never watched CNN or anyone else but FOX NEWS since I was old enough to know better!! I found FOX NEWS to have a more balanced number of contributors that think the way I do! They do have people with different opinions talking to each other! The 5 has 3 smart people and 2 smart people with differing opinions! So watch and see whom you agree with!

  8. I would pay my local newspaper for news but they lie to me too much now so not a penny to them any more…

  9. As I have gotten older (90) I have completely lost all faith and trust in our so called government and news media. I do my own research. What I have discovered in the last 10 years+ has completely erased my faith and trust. This country still is home and I would not trade it for anything else in the world. But what the government, “news media” and our own citizens have done have completely obliterated my faith in it all that I believed was great. I just wish I did not have the fear of what my children, grandchildren, etc. of what they must confront in the near future. I do hope that somehow Mr. Trump and Mr. Vence are capable to restore some sanity, integrity, etc. reason being, again, from experience, when an individual is feared as much as Mr. Trump is that his erasure has been attempted twice by the powers that be, there must be more to him then meets the eye. I hope so. God please help us return to faith, trust, honesty and integrity again. This is home and I love it so.

  10. CNN stopped being a real news outlet once the Democrats turned the network into the machine for the Democratic Party, that happened for the 1992 Election for Mr. Clinton. At that time the network was call the Clinton News Network as a slang expression.
    CNN worked so hard to be accepted than chose to be biased. The CNN station will be ending soon as well as ABC, CBS, and NBC unless they change and tell the truth in an unbiased reporting.

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