Chuck Schumer is in for a scary fight after Kid Rock made this surprising appearance

The drama surrounding the Presidential race has been receiving most of the attention lately. But Republicans are trying to flip control of the Senate. And Chuck Schumer is in for a scary fight after Kid [...]


  1. I live in upstate NY. In my opinion Chuck Shumer is interested in FOUR Things:
    1. MY Money!
    2. My VOTE!
    3. Increasing his POWER!
    4. Increasing his WEALTH!
    AND, he will lie, cheat, & steal to gain all Four.

    • Chuckie is a POS who deserves much more than being shipped off to Gaza. This Man is a detriment to the American people and should be terminated ,completely Good Post

    • Please get out and challenge him, Please
      Nothing would make me happier than to see him voted out of office

    • How about when Schumer called out 3 people on the Supreme Court and gave their home addresses of where they live? How come Schumer is not up on charges of assault on the judges of the Supreme Court? How come there are 2 kinds of justice if you are a Democrat you can say anything and if you’re a Republican they would have you up on charges and in court, before you turn around?

  2. I live in upstate NY. In my opinion Chuck Shumer is interested in FIVE Things:
    1. MY Money!
    2. My VOTE!
    3. Increasing his POWER!
    4. Increasing his WEALTH!
    5. AND HE will lie, cheat, & steal to gain all Four.

  3. He needs to go. I hate politicians who have been there forever like Dick Durbin (Illinois) 40 years. They tend to think it’s THEIR seat and they don’t want to unass the power. I hate career politicians, there should not be such a thing. We need term limits. You come and do your 2 or 3 terms and go home, not staying there until you amass $40 million dollars. I’m sick of this shit!


    • schummer is another crooked corrupt democrook just like all the rest of them..they are not for the american people or america..they only care about everyone else in other countries and NOT THE AMERICAN republician and let’s make sure we never allow another democrook ever in the whitehouse ever again..TRUMP will clean out the massive cesspool of corruption once and for all..he needs to lock up crooked hilary..she even said if she goes down she will take everyone of them with her..remember she is crooked hilary and she has all the proof of all the corruption..she needs to be locked up ASAP..they all will be following after crooked hilary in jail were they all then need to pay back the millions that they stole from the american people and america…TRUMP is the only president to get the other countries to pay the unitedstates for the work we do for other countries which is the right thing to do..all the other presidents were a bunch of moron’s..they didnot charge japan anything for them to seel their cars here in america..President TRUMP made sure for every car japan sold the unitedstates recieved at least 40% which the other president charged stupid is that?? see what I am saying..President TRUMP has the brains to fix the damage crooked corrupt biden did to the can bet crooked biden was taking his share of millions when he was funding ukrane..the heck with ukrane..the american people and america should always be taken care of first…vote TRUMP 2024..we will have a better life with TRUMP back in the whitehouse like we did the last time TRUMP was in the whitehouse..President TRUMP is for the american people..ho harris is worse then crooked biden..ho harris is a moron..dont kid yourself..she is not qualitified to be in the whitehouse.. she sucked as VP did nothing at all remember she believes criminals should be free and the vitums should get over it..ho harrise isnot for the american people..she isnot even black..she is a compuslive liar..even her own father said she cant be take it from her own father..she cant be trusted..she covered up for crooked biden who didnot even know where he was most of the time..she is just as corrupt and crooked as biden..another low life crooked democrook…vote TRUMP 2024 MAGA…

  5. More and more people are starting to see the light and jumping over to the Republicans side. All these so called actors and singers are mostly the washed up in Hollywood group.No one cares what they think anymore.Lets go Brandon or is it now karen!

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