Catholics are frazzled after Pope Francis revealed this breathtaking recent brush with death

Few people have as much fame and recognition as the Pope.  But that also puts him in plenty of perilous situations. And Catholics are frazzled after Pope Francis revealed this breathtaking recent brush with death. [...]


  1. The “woke” are only a very small percentage of US population considering our last election. These insane policies shoved down are throats are being dismissed one by one and sanity is coming back!!! The pope will find himself out of a job if he continues his left leaning thinking, many Catholics only give to their local parish but not to the pope. It’s just a matter of time….

    • He’s been in office since 2013 and shows no signs of changing or resigning, although his failing health is a bright spot.

  2. I am not a “Catholic”, HOWEVER, The Pope should be more concerned about representing GOD and not “woke”. His responsibility is to the CATHOLIC Church and standing for ITS teachings, not to the “Woke” world’s teachings (which are promoting and endorsing “Satanism”).

  3. I was raised Catholic. I do not follow the religion any longer mainly because of Pope Francis! This filthy traitor should be removed and shamed by Catholics worldwide. He is despicable when he speaks about the LGBTQ to be accepted into the religion. His anti- Israel statements, etc. The church has lost its credibility! Pope Francis must step down and allow someone who believes in the church to take back control of this church’s ideology as soon as possible!

    • Just out of Curiosity , Who put this man in charge and why do you think he’s any better than you? No man, that wipes her butt the same way I do is any better than me?

  4. By supporting globalism, depopulation, catastrophic climate change lies, transhumanism WEF/UN, and one world government, this pope is a traitor to humanity and he should (but unfortunately won’t be) disposed of like any other form of traitor.

  5. To me, Pope Francis is the Church equivalent to Biden. He is as helpful to the Church as Biden is to our country. Francis’ papacy has been more destructive of the Church and her traditions than any Pope in our history. Catholics around the world are waiting breathlessly for his entry into eternity. We pray for another Benedict or JPII.

    • The pope should stick to being a pope and not a political left thinker. If he is a leftie, then he believes in corruption and evil with no regards to mankind just like the Biden Nazism regime. He needs to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church, we don’t need a Pope that believes that the democrats are the perfect and correct party to run this country. Apparently he doesn’t read much on how corrupt, evil and how the Biden Nazism is running the country by breaking every law there is, including the Constitution of the United States. They think they are above the law. Pope Francis needs to step down if that is the type of thinking that he has. How dare he state that he is for the church and for our God. I believe in Karma and he will get his.

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