Butler County police exposed one ugly secret about the first would-be Trump assassin that the Secret Service wanted to keep hidden

Donald Trump faced a second assassination attempt on Sunday while playing a round of golf in Palm Beach. But new details just emerged that could change everything about the first shooting. And Butler County police [...]


  1. Butler is a Pandora’s box that exposes all our government officials’ corruption, which they are willing to kill everyone to retain their power. This is the bottom line and the real truth.

  2. The Left’s narrative about Trump & Americans that are for making America First & Great Again have stoked the flames of hatred & social unrest against half the country. Their words are a call to unhinged criminal minds to acts they normally wouldn’t do. Democrats censor shut down free speech under the guise of Misinformation or Disinformation to benefit their candidates or party agenda. The Constitution protects Free Speech for all not just one party or media outlet. Saying to put a bullseye on someone or they must be eliminated & never be allowed to be Elected to a political position they are legally capable of. Politicians that call for criminal activity in our country should be held accountable. Words are dangerous and volatile & that’s why you can’t falsely yell fire in a crowded room & not be held accountable for any harm or destruction.

    • There is an old Catholic prayer that says, “God
      help sinners now and at the hour of their death.
      Sinners must repent now as the hour of their
      Demise is too late!”

    • Frederick, you said a lot. I would like to add: that after America heard about putting a bullseye and then telling everyone that Trump’s evil, and that he will take democracy away from America…it’s obvious those making those remarks are indeed putting democracy in jeopardy!!! No wonder such remarks encourage the unstable amongst us!

  3. Right after the shooting at Butler, PA. I did a search on the shooter and found out the strangest of things. At one point in his past, he worked and lived near Washington DC. While he was there, he met with the FBI. I thought this was strange. When I tried to find the article again, it was gone! I kept trying and finally the article showed up again. I couldn’t figure out what he and the FBI had in common. Maybe he wanted to work for them???

  4. Though it will never happen, the HildaBEAST needs to be investigated for both of the attacks on Trump. She still harbors a great animosity towards Trump and she has a history of dubious death(s) involvement.

  5. follow the money
    dementia jo already to speak about the late Donald Trump forgot to use the updated script
    shooters family lawyers up
    democrats are destroying America for china and iran and russia

    • I believe he was routed to the roof told where to setup and fore from by the SS.Hey Hitler had an SS hit squad just like democratic squad imagine that.

      • When you have Soros one of Hitlers Brown Uniform Kids and Obama running our country. This is what happens. The German citizens didn’t have a clue of what Hitler was doing to German. The Democrat citizens are not aware of how many businesses, packing plants and farms are owned by Chinese Military Communism. Our food is being recalled and will put small farms out of business. Prayers for our Country.
        Trump 2020-2024 God Bless America.


  7. This I PRAY God’s will in a spirit of humility with a heart full of gratitude to the Lord our Righteousness, our Heavenly Father, God’s written promises to bind and pull down the strong hold, of the schemes of the devil!
    I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For rulers, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior! I ask this be so, in the exalted power and authority of Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) above every name in heaven, on the earth,and under the earth, so be it, Amen!

    • Doyle; People keep forgetting that God warned us of “A time of trouble such has never been; no, not since the foundation of this world.” Either exact quote or as close as my memory is able. I feel that we’re in that time, and time really is near. Little enough can be done to fight it; but fight it we must. Dave

  8. The entire top level of the FBI needs to be fired. Soros, Obama, Bidens, and Clintons should be tried for treason and sentenced to life.

    • Doyle; People keep forgetting that God warned us of “A time of trouble such has never been; no, not since the foundation of this world.” Either exact quote or as close as my memory is able. I feel that we’re in that time, and time really is near. Little enough can be done to fight it; but fight it we must. Dave

    • I totally agree but go one step more ! Put them in Leavenworth feed them the minimal amount of food and put them to work breaking rocks.These guys need to be taught a lesson.

    • Agree everyone forgets to mention that Jill Biden pulled 1/2 of the security forces at the last minute to cover at an unscheduled
      Political rally a short distance away

  9. The SS didn’t secure that BLATANTLY OBVIOUS sniper site because they knew Crooks was there and why he was there. It’s that simple.

    Our government is now anti-America. Prediction for the not too distant future: our nuclear enemies will alert the government that they will attack. Our government will give our defenses the order to stand down then run for cover. Missiles will rain down upon the country from all directions. Hundreds of millions will die. RIP, USA.

  10. So Bill let all of us vote them out so President Trump can charge them and put them in prison for life, if it is treason, sentence them to death. That what the commies need!

  11. Don’t Believe anything the DEMOCRATS tries to feed you. They all are full of shit. They are all trying to turn America into a COMMUNIST COUNTRY. TRUMP CAN STOP ALL OF THIS ? PLEASE THINK TWICE WHO YOU VOTE FOR……please

  12. The Secret Service did nothing to keep that kid off the roof of that building they hired him to take Trump out if he was with the FBI at firing ranges they or training him to be a sniper when the attempt failed there is no way they can let that kids stay alive they didn’t have to kill him even though he did kill an innocent man and wounded two others besides Trump they could not take the chance that that kid would panic and tell the truth they committed murder that day and they are getting away with it. God Bless America and make America great again get out there and vote Trump on November 5th to save America

  13. I cannot make myself believe that this 20 year old was able to accomplish all the logistics regarding this complicated shoot all on his own. He HAD to have help from someone in high power and authority. He was a useful idiot and was killed before he could spill his guts.

  14. I believe the Butler shooting was set up, by someone who knew it was coming! It should be that obvious if you just look at how easy it was and he was taken out before anyone could talk to him! The evil part of the Democrats have shown they will do anything to stay in power!

  15. It was a set up you would have to be dumb as a stick to think any thing different. And how do you see a gun barrel hiding in a bunch of trees . And how did he miss I thought the S.S . We’re good shots. The whole thing is a set up and they’re not done yet believe me.Because if Trump becomes president again he’s going to clean the swamp he should have done it last time.

  16. Seems really weird he had off shore accounts, the parents home was spotless, nothing found, he was cremated almost immediately. No one will say why. There has to be an inside job. Probably paid for by Hillary and the rest of the democRats.

  17. Obviously the secret service was at fault, or maybe just lazy in not following the concern of the local police%

  18. There is NO doubt the Biden mafia ( Biden,Pelosi, Schumer,Harris ) is behind trying to kill Trump ! This is the biggest bunch of lying outlaws since Al Capone !!!

  19. God bless our country and Donald Trump he will make it a safer place, and hopefully change our economy for the best! We need it to change the laws back to when he was in office and make it great again. And get rid of the politician that are corrupt Thank you Donald tump for making America great and safe again.

  20. Observation —Many of the Biden/Harris DEI/DNC government appointed and elected do not have the ability to fullfill the duties to which they are assigned part of this is the DEI mentality of a lot of government figures.The result of this is the loss in confidence of the present USA government. An example is FEMA who are dedicated to DEI application at all their levels and you see people that are waiting days for help. Conclusion is if this is allowed to continue say goodbye to the USA!!!!!!

  21. I had seen a video of Biden saying he wanted Trump killed just a day or so before the attempt. It was like it was Biden’s way of ordering the attempt & SS went along with it by sending the SS to Pittsburgh with Jill. Trump had people that weren’t trained properly.

  22. Of course it was an inside job. Why would the secret service be in such a hurry to have the body of the would be killer cremated? They did not want one shred of evidence implicating them in their collusion w/Crooks. Has anyone checked out his guns to see where/when they were obtained? Feet dragging is a way of delaying the TRUTH.

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