Bill O’Reilly was stunned at one awful confession Kamala Harris made on national TV

Kamala Harris continues to step on rakes during her Presidential campaign.  She made one of her biggest blunders yet.  And Bill O’Reilly was stunned at one awful confession Kamala Harris made on national TV.  Kamala [...]


  1. Democrats chose only the most incompetent candidate to run for president! Their choices aren’t smart enough to do anything but destroy America, the best country in the world! Their candidates are only a front for the bureaucrats that actually make all the decisions! There are no leadership skills involved in their candidates! They don’t even respect their own voters choice! What a bunch of fools being led by communists!

  2. Comrade Kamala would be a 4th term for Obama, and we can’t have that… Vote Trump and Republican all down the ticket!!

    • Yes, exactly!! Kamala is not qualified to be the President of the United States in any way, nor is Obama. If he only knew how many businesses had to take bankruptcy because of him, I’m sure he could care less. I would hate to think what either would do if we went to war. God forbid. We need Trump again to make our Country strong and respected!!

    • You are so right about this would be hussein’s 4th term. This is a communist regime since hussein said” We will change America”. VOTE PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP/VP. J.D. VANCE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OUR COUNTRY. PLEASE AMERICANS WAKE UP AND SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING TO AMERICA.

  3. The democrats worked themselves in a corner when they selected her as their DEI candidate for the vice-presidency under Biden. Then when they KO’d Biden from a second term they were stuck with their DEI candidate to run against President Trump. They deserved what they got with that.

  4. A Kamala presidency wouldn’t be the “same” as Biden’s; it would be WORSE, because not only does she not know what the heck she’s doing; she’s also further LEFT than Biden was. She’s full-fledged Marxist, whereas he’s extreme Left.

    • We need to get these evil democraps, away from destroying our country, they are trying to remove GOD from our society, we can only pray JESUS will intervene, it seems that democraps are ignorant fools trying to push communism on Christian folks, who love JESUS, well I chose JESUS, as my leader, not K Hairass and her radical insane agenda, Vote TRUMP-VANCE 2024 to save our America from the evil democraps, who hate our free country

  5. camola, it must be really nice to at least have a brain. i can’t believe all you demorats want this brainless idiot to be president and run this country. Think of all the things she could of done in the last 3 and a half years besides all the crap she did to destroy the USA. i guess she would need a teleprompter to tell her what to say to any foreign leader of any country of anybody else for that matter of fact. i guess if she likes Russia so bad she should go there forever. if she said anything against puten ,she would get shot.ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  6. It’s absolutely sickening to see & watch what Joe Biden has done in destroying America! Letting in all the illegals into our country! Kamala Harris, can’t find her way out of a paper bag! She is a Disgrace to Society and to our Country! Period!

  7. Kamala is a congenital liar who never accomplished much of anything worthwhile as a prosecutor, senator, or vice-president. She now talks about her plans to create a “paradise” in the U.S. but she never acknowledges how the Biden-Harris administration’s responsibility for the obscene number of unvetted illegal aliens (15+ million) who flooded across our southern border during her time in office, nor the dangerous crimes committed by many of them once they were here; the hollowing out of our military through DEI administration; the high inflation rate their runaway MMT economic spending, a $36 trln deficit, has created; the weaponization of federal agencies and the media to censor the news output and, through lawfare charges, to arrest and bankrupt the GOP candidate for president; their terrible handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and their atrocious handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, contributes to that “paradise.”

  8. Comrade Commiela is talking about that mythical Communist Paradise the people of Russia lived in for 70 years. They loved it so much they attempted to throw it off.

    They want absolute control over us all. They want to determine what we do, how we do it, what we think, what we can own, where we work, how much we earn, what we teach our kids and what “gods” we can worship. ABSOLUTE control of our lives.

    Don’t kid yourselves, Democrats, they want YOU and YOUR KIDS under their cloven hooves.

  9. Dopey ol’ Joe is THE worst president our country ever had. The damage the ‘rats are doing to our country is intentional. Their goal is to make America into a third world cesspool. What better way to do that is to have an open border?

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